Thursday 4 July 2013

Musings - Sins behind the scenes!

You must be leaving in the stone ages if you still believe in the maxim "talk is cheap".  The
government has proposed to increase levy on emails including all the junks and international calls which are mostly placed to lonely and sick grannies in the villages from their children in the cold. Well, the government must be the channel through which these policies must come, but fellows, you have to bypass the government and look at the bigger picture.

 The government is just a group of people made up by members from our society. Some are friends, families, school mates and colleagues, so it's not like they are far-removed from our situation or suddenly become accustomed to riches or luxuries and have turned their back on us. No, their hands are tied and it is a pity all we talk about all day is their inability to deliver on their promises. How can they deliver their promises when the Paymaster has not released funds (which they have amassed from corporatocracy and fascism) or releases insufficient funds with shoe string budgets and strict directives as to how the money should be disbursed? 

From my purview, Ghana is too small a country to resist the overwhelming and imposing figure of Big Brother not to allow all these economic hit men to parade around as entrepreneurs, business and development partners. What is in for them for the street lights and roads they construct for us? What is in for them for the Electrification projects and the beautification of the city? Do they care that much to give us grants just to construct roads without necessarily solving our basic and pervasive problems?

The whole idea is to keep us on the fringes for exploitation because in the end, toxins from mining our mineral resources are willfully pumped into our water bodies which eventually kill people, plants and animals and consequently are paid outrageously for good work done, while the poor victims wallow in abject poverty. 

A look at the regular trends in worldwide poverty rates are published by newspapers everyday and per the world Bank, a daily income of less than two dollars per person have become the benchmark for defining the world’s poor while the poorest scrap on less than a dollar a day and it is hard to imagine how these poor people survive the hardships that come in torrents but even more harder thinking about how such people can ever prosper, not to think about emergencies and affording big-ticket items like building, education, furniture etc.

However the two dollar statistics is just an average over time, meaning there are days you go without the two dollars and there are other days you make more to which you can’t really make plans for because as irregular as the income is, it is small and unpredictable. It will also interest you to note that of all the statistics that have been availed by scores of scholars for the world bank, they have not been able to research into how the poor people survive on the two dollars and how they go through each day.

They don’t really care about you and it is time the poor majority change their attitude towards the government because the government is not there for you. They have actually come to make you poorer and trust me, of every ten units of items they take from you, they give you one.

The whole idea is to annihilate the human race which I know most of you will be quick to refer to as unfounded, but that just goes to portray your gullibility and what you are being fed with. There is more happening around you than you can see and you don't always need empirical evidence to believe. Read beyond the lines and you will realize to your chagrin that, there are other printed matters you have refused to see. They play with our minds; rein us in so we can rally around one figurehead by appending our signatures and consents that will be binding on us as a people. Votes for our Presidents and other leaders are all it takes to set their dominion in motion. Democracy.

Recently, there was a topic for discussion on Africans and for that matter Ghanaians now enjoying middle income status; another illusive praise on us, to probably assuage our psyche, but given that the report is true, how many people are actually in that bracket? How reflective is our single digit inflation and all the economic indicators they keep touting on our behalf? How beneficial is it to that hard working hawking woman with a child strapped behind her? And how does that incredible GDP figures that are churned out every time help the average Joe in Teshie, Wassa, Afram Plains and Atiavi? We as a people have to determine that enough is enough and we want to try another means of approaching same prevalent situations.

Dear reader, there is nothing like middle income class or middle class. Typically on a number scale, there are two sets of numbers, one being negative and the other positive, all gravitating to the middle number which is zero (0), so you realize that even the less positive number (+1) nearer to the zero is more than the highest (-1) on the other divide, and interestingly, the gap between the two divides only keep widening as the numbers increase in the opposite directions, so there cannot be anything like the middle class. You are either there or here. Simple.

Anything middle is defeating to polarity and the duality concept in Accounting and Creation where we have man and woman, up and down, table and chair, negative and positive, good and evil, God and Devil, a freeman and a slave and what have you. The attempt to fuse in ‘middle’ is what is giving birth to gays and their related rights; middle income class and what have you.

Consequently, we will be served more than we bargained for. We will be paying more levies that weever anticipated because everything is just playing to their galleries. Our system has moved into an era where one person can control about sixty percent (60%) of the economy and you think that man is not powerful enough to use human beings the way he likes? Can you imagine how many people will be dependent on that man through the number of employments he is willing and able to provide for the masses? Too much power vested in one person can be very dangerous but unfortunately that is where we are now and the bad news is we are on a journey of no return which ushers in modern day slavery.

There is always a price to pay for every single choice we make except, most of the consequences is not bearing on us because of their negligible effect. We only get to feel those that affect us seriously. The need to pay for everything we utilize is just a tip of the iceberg and a clarion call to what is yet to hit us. They are testing the waters and very soon, we will be paying to breathe ‘good’ air because the whole atmosphere would have been polluted. You either pay, breath and live or die. 

And there is this incessant feeling that will not go away anytime soon, that, one of these days, one or two people will start owning nations and by extension, everything the nation has to offer looking at the rate at which all our mineral and human resources are being used as collateral for borrowing from external sources. 

Brace up because serious times are here!

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