Tuesday, 29 January 2013


Why do you close your eyes when romancing or making love? Do you consciously close your eyes because it’s time for sex or it just happens subconsciously? Are you guilty of closing your eyes during sexual intercourse or it just happen unawares? Have you ever wondered why the closing of the eyes comes naturally to us, as if on cue, and if not, why not?

Perhaps, that’s how we’ve been conditioned to function; which is to close our eyes because we are about to get filthy or enjoy ourselves and must not be privy to what we are about to engage in. After all, it is our limbs and other sex organs that get active in the process. Alternatively, it could also be that, the session or the thought of romance alone is enough to engulf our senses thus overwhelming and influencing our eyes to close entirely and instantly.

The eye is an important communicator when it comes to non-verbal and visual communication and has so many proverbs and anecdotes alluding to that fact, among which are “the eyes are the windows to the soul”, “What the eye does not admire the heart does not desire." and “The eye sees a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination awake”, because it conveys our inner feelings to others. Our eyes captivate and express our thoughts or what words can’t say. Sometimes, the sincerity of our eyes which we are usually unaware of even helps sinks our words in very well. 

Eye contacts are very essential in communication because lack of it portrays one as not forthcoming and a tell-tale kind of person who shouldn’t be taken serious or in other words, liars avoid eye contact. Avoiding eye contacts readily explains your concealing nature or your lack of interest in the context. Additionally, emotions, such as anger, happiness, and dissatisfaction can all be easily delivered through the eyes, as they are the mirrors of the soul. If eyes do not convey a lot, why do we see beauty, joy, evil or that eerie blank stare in the eyes of people?

If admittedly, all of the foregone conclusion stands true, why then would couples close their eyes at that very intimate and intense moment, when their eyes could have expressed something to either deepen the love making session or otherwise mar it? Why do we close the windows to our soul thus barring communication? Are we liars? Have we been lying to the very ones we profess love and make love to by closing our eyes? I doubt, but I’m afraid it stands so for now.

Truly, maintaining eye-contact during sexual intercourse can be awkward; it can even inhibit sexual and bodily expression from both partners, so to avoid that, we close our eyes so we could be in our own world. “….our own world?” did I just say that? Wow! And I was always here, thinking that, it was about the two people engaged in the session, so why the need to enter into a world of our own? What do we do in that world of our own that makes the session Grande? Funny!

Couples close their eyes subconsciously only to fantasize. Yes, they fantasize subconsciously, meaning, we go into our memories and stage the act in various ways and sometimes with various people, while we are still sweating beneath the sheets or in the sofa with a different person. We conjure so many mental images just to enhance the feeling that comes with it. Some of these images are carried from our past sex lives, scenes from movies, magazines, discussions we’ve engaged in. Even though, fantasies are supposed to be entertained in the absence of action or when you are extremely bored, we’ve been subconsciously engaging in it even while active and that’s revealing.

So who and what do we fantasize about when we get into our own world? Does what we think about amount to unfaithfulness or cheating on a spouse? Then tell me which word best describes a man named Alex who fantasizes about Ama while having sex with Agnes? No wonder we close our eyes to avoid conveying our thoughts, probably full of lies.

I know a lot of couples or people actively engaged in sex belong to the school of thought that is cool with any means that will make them orgasm but it’s time they become a little liberal by opening the windows to their soul by looking and fantasizing with their partner, while they express their desire and feeling towards each other. They should stop lying to each other by making eye contact to be able to communicate whatsoever feeling there-is as they fantasize about each other until they both ‘Eyegasm’, where Eyegasm may be described as a deep and constant eye contact that leads to climaxing.

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