Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Fatal Attraction

Once upon a time, a girl who was tired and scheming to switch off from his boyfriend met a fine guy online and decided to take a chance. 
Knowing how fatal attractions go, date and venue were quickly set. They couldn't wait to find out what awaits them. They have to stop counting their losses so it was time to meet and they moved towards same direction from different parts of town; all of them telling tonnes of lies to their respective emotional dependents.
In-between time and space... 
Many hours later in a somewhat forced confession just to make amends with her dashed hopes, she said, of all the many things she ever wanted in life was not to sell her soul for pittance and this, she meant, but it turned out that she had a problem - a problem that would shoot her south in a downward spiral. It turned out that her understanding of themes such as soul or pittance is blurred out in an extremely Gaussian way. It's so mixed up that the nuances have lost out on her. Its two non-negotiable ways; either she doesn't have a soul or she didn't understand the soul concept. 
The only reason she walked away is the guy was disabled. No. handicapped. And to make matters worse, he had a wife, which became a good riddance, otherwise, she didn't have a choice than to hinge his excuse on the fact that he was crippled in one leg. Not that, she was answerable or explicable to anyone. 
The writer tweets @vilejah

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