Trying to demystify why ‘fools
fall in love” is one of the endless pursuit a man can indulge himself in, which
begs the question, why amorous love has so many negative inferences and
connotations, among which are “love is blind”, “at the touch of love, every man becomes a
poet”, “love is not for the faint-hearted".
This makes me wonder if the
supposed wise people do not have emotions that are aroused by the
attractiveness of the opposite sex and the need to copulate or perhaps, they
have a way of going about it, which does not have effect on their senses, because
it looks like the more I do, the more I get lost and at this point, I can only
rescind my fate and choose between being a fool or a wise person.

A fool according to an unknown
source can be someone who lacks commonsense and intelligence and mostly, it is
what we display any time love comes knocking on our door. It is very easy to
appear a fool or actually do relatively foolish things for the one you love and
in worse cases, defy all beliefs which hitherto were sacred to you, just to
please that one special person.
Being a fool in the context of
love is not necessarily acting up in the circus or has nothing to do with
comedy. What it simply means is to be thinking with your heart which is sometimes
referred to as following one’s heart.
The head is physical and logical
and tries to put things in its right perspective according to the bearer’s
level of intelligence and expectations while the heart is illogical and can
only be felt. The heart does not think and cannot think. It doesn’t know what
is right or not and does not conform to norms. All it exudes is emotions and
lots of it.
How often have you not been lost
at sea when asked to explain why you love the one in your life?
Have often have you not
rationalized why the one you are with is the best thing that has ever happened
to you even though you know parts or the whole of your explanation is false?
How about the lies you discovered
s/he told you and still you found a way to make her/him stay with that big
heart of yours, not to talk about the physical abuse?
How often have you not asked
friends and family to mind their own businesses because it’s your life and you
could choose whom to love against all odds?
So, why did you lie to your
friends and Employer about the bruises and scars s/he left on your skin if you
were actually in your senses and thinking right?
Can these aforementioned and a
lot more rhetoric of this nature be considered as someone in their right
Unfortunately, the mind and heart
fails to coordinate when an issue of love arises and each in its own right chooses
a different path. It is also convenient to state that no one in his right
senses can love because loving is for fools who suppresses or discard some of
their right thoughts just to be with the one they meant to be with.

Furthermore, love is one thing no
one has monopoly over and can barely control, unless they retreat from that
pursuit, because it reins everyone in and makes them fools at one point or the
other and I am sure you can readily attest to letting go of some ideals and
terribly compromising on some commonsense, just to ensure that something was
done right.
Additionally, knowing that love
relationship is a paradise for fools, can make most of us relax and make things
work by not being rigid and too logical because love in itself does not make
sense and you can bear out to my assertion if you probably have asked yourself
once or twice in the past, why some people end up as couples whom in your
opinion do not belong at all and the most familiar one by asking yourself, why
you ever dated that Ex of yours.
Finally, it is prudent to follow
your heart and make a fool of yourself by falling in love and possibly staying
on than trying to find logic in everything your lover
does to the extent of separating every two months you fall in love, because in
such instances, it will be convenient to say that, the wise has rather become a
fool by not dwelling in the fool’s paradise.
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