It’s me again. I must admit it’s
been a while but I hope you are coping through the rapid changing times and
even doing well?
It’s necessary I wrote to you
after what transpired between us the last time, but nevertheless, I couldn’t
get myself to shut me down entirely, without letting you know what’s on my mind
and probably how I feel about your demeanor on FACEBOOK.

I must be worried because, the
last time I checked, you have never studied Photography and have not even
mentioned it as a hobby, where people could add you up to acquaint themselves
with myriads of picturesque landscapes, trends in vogue, buildings and random
images that you might capture on your daily walks of life, yet, your pictures
are all over the place as you keep saying ‘thank you’ to the comments they
Furthermore, there are no
pictures of Showrooms, galleries of Models and Musicians to watch and no
posting of tit-bits from around the world nor have you even shared a hyperlink
from the internet, where we could justify your two thousand and counting
friends as hanging on for some kind of information, yet, you even have friends
that surpass public figure subscription and you want to be taken serious?
I’m yet to think through how
posts like “Tonight is gonna be a good night”, “Thank God it’s Friday”, “Who
will take me out tonight”, “I’m bored, call me if you have my number”, “I will
never trust men again” and lots of similar posts could get you that much number
of friends you don’t even interact with, and I’m wondering if you have thought
through it yourself to know the basis.
How do they find you? Do they
find you on other friend’s wall and if that holds true, the how is it possible,
because you are hardly interactive.
Do they come across you in your
corner or it’s as a result of your lax settings on your account? I really need
to know if you have an iota of reason why they keep flocking in your direction
as they extend hands of friendships.
Even though its human nature to
be gregarious and attention seeking, the bad news I have for you is that most
‘serious’ guys do not like to entertain girls that come across as
‘multi-sockets’. They like girls who have fewer friends because logically and
practically, it is only merrier when it is few. It is also the only way, they
can think of getting some quality time and kind of attention from you.

How many do you call and what do
you guys talk about?
I can only admonish you to
position yourself well and be mindful that people are watching and anything you
do here will be staring in your face in the near future, if not already. Stop
the false impression you are trying so hard to create and you just might
attract like-minded people into your circle which can eventually bring out the
best in you since iron sharpeneth iron.
Finally, you could take off all
those sexually suggestive pictures of you from Facebook since being a woman
alone is enough to remind men of sex. Stop overdoing things because men will
still find you in your obscure corner and give it to you according to your
experience, dictates and maybe expectations too.
To this end, I will end my
missive here to attend to other pressing matters but I will find time
in-between to pay you a visit or probably contact you before I receive your
Take care and live well.