I want to
believe that it is one of the never failing reasons why most marriages
are not working lately, because the couples misbehave or do otherwise
knowing they are legally bounded in a 'life and death' situation with
their willing partners. It beats me why the law has to compel us to
love when it's purely dependent on emotions and commonsense. The
question i want to ask is, is the white wedding working even with the
law in tow?
I asked because it is has been observed that
it is doing more harm than good to most newly wedded couples, in that,
they get frustrated after going through what it takes to organize a
white wedding of a sort. It takes so long a time for so many to regain
their feet as they get so indebted to their sponsors, under whose auspices the wedding took place.
also are not able to deal with the psychological trauma or stress that
comes with it and finally give in to the dictates of their mind; yes
they become abnormal and in worst cases, become mad.
All i am trying to say is that people
have to be in love to marry, they must not be baited by whited weddings
to lure them into something they are not really keen on just because
they want to be hailed and cheered by their friends. You've got to be
cut for it; you've got to do it because you can do it, not because you
have to do it. That will be on the defensive and your nemesis will come
calling soon after the guests are gone home and some of the chairs and
tables broken on the lawn and paper packs scattered all over and if
you were lucky, you would have been chauffeured out of the place on
your way to your honeymoon.
In our society, it is evident
that it is the ladies that force their men to wed them at the expense
of our cherished and outstanding traditional marriage and at all cost.
And sometimes, i wonder what it is with some of the men, they lack
commonsense that they cannot tell that they cannot afford what the lady
is asking for and reasonably talk her into something they both can
afford and allows themselves to be led to the slaughter house. These
white weddings have made it impossible for potentially suitable couples
to marry thus going their separate ways only to give in to the one who
can afford.

Let's access
our capacity in terms of finance, psychology, maturity, simplicity and
make choices within our means so as to limit the ripple effects of our
bad choices and to help us enjoy happy marriage lives. Society has to
let us know that it’s solely a matter of choice and not compulsory for
everyone, the yet-to-marry and the yet-to-be married should also know
that their choice remains theirs and not what people are going to think
about them. Just be yourself!
I do admire ur thoughts. On point, specific n focus driven.
They make love look evil, .......when they have not loved before
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