Scientifically, for every action, there is an equal and proportional
reaction, but socially the reaction becomes enormous and gigantic in
many folds and the effect becomes rippling; that is why if a child
grows up in an environment full of love and care, he grows up to effect
people in a more positive way and a menace for a child that grows up
in an environment full of hatred.
For every performance, there’s got to be a power behind it. It could
be intrinsic or extrinsic or both but however it is, the domineering
power turns out to be the extrinsic, and that usually becomes the steam
in the vessel.
Who has empowered you? Who empowers you? Do you say “thank you?” if
yes, how do you say it? Some pay in kind and some in cash, the choice
remains yours but never fail to pay back. People extend kind gestures
to us in so many varied forms, some emotionally, financially,
spiritually and even materially and all it takes is to show gratitude
by saying ‘thank you” unless the gesture comes with a condition which
must be fulfilled anyway because you accepted the terms there-in and
anything short of that amounts to dishonesty.
Maybe you don’t care, you are ungrateful, but you can never be the
recipient of that person’s kindness again and before you know it, no
one will even look your way because you probably might have replicated
it towards everyone in your life. They don’t only come when you fail to
acknowledge someone, they also come in the way we talk to people and
the way we regard them. Can you imagine, some people are so rigid and
stuck up that they don’t even laugh at jokes? Well, it is a form of
At functions, we say vote of thanks, at events, sponsors of the
event are mentioned and hyped for their support because it is the right
thing to do, so why can’t you emulate these examples and start
mentioning your sponsors by thanking them, not publicly though, but in a
special way that will make them feel like whatever their effort, was
worthwhile or you want to be the proverbial nine that failed to thank
Jesus Christ after the healing session?
In IT, there are two faces to a programme, namely the front end,
which is also known as the graphic user interface thus the interactive
part and the back-end where they arrange and put up what you do at the
front end. Most of us don’t even know that there is always the rough
side that gives way for the smooth side. A typical example is the
air-conditioner which generates so much heat at the back just to
maintain a very appreciable chilling level inside. The ATM and the
vending machines all get stocked by people who we hardly see and that
should be the more reason why we have to be appreciative of the
front-end and by so doing the back-end will get the feedback.
I keep writing because I know you read it and I am grateful for the
fact that you spare part of your busy schedule to read my train of
thoughts, and the thought in itself is elating.
It is good to say thank you because it paves way for you, it’s like
opening an account full of goodwill with the entity; be it an
individual or an organization. Say thank you to anyone who has done
something for you even if you could have done it for yourself or you
think it’s trivial. Don’t assume it was automatic; there’s surely
someone working at the back-end for you to function well at the front.
For an artiste to perform on stage, there surely has to be some
manager of a sort, a costume designer, a coach or a producer and a host
of other people that makes up a team and deserves a mention aside
their rewards which comes in the form of money. Therefore you have to
be mindful of the fact that wherever you are and whatever you find
yourself doing, there is a power behind your performance.
Finally, this piece is to thank YOU and everyone on my timeline for
shaping my life from near and far, directly and indirectly, positively
and negatively because you guys are the POWER behind my PERFORMANCE!!
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."
- Isaac Newton
The reason we usually achieve anything great is because we have people around to help us. I'm always thankful for my friends and all who help in any small way
And i am specifically thankful for your readiness to lend an idea or a hand when i call on you. Business certainly will grow with the support of family and friends #LezGo!
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