Notwithstanding different time zones, there have been
different times in ages past, characterized by their own related
activities and am pleased to remind and welcome you to the technological
age, where reality has been relegated to the background for the total
embrace of the virtual world; where people would rather keep to
themselves than other people and by the help of their ubiquitous mobile
phones and the internet.
In times past, you were considered out-of-sync when you
owned a bigger mobile phone that could not go into your pocket, but now
it’s what’s in vogue and you tend to wonder how the world thinks.
Sometimes, I am tempted to think that the whole world is mad because we
all tend to think the same. And if you dare think different, you would
need all of your strength and mind to defend the opposition that seeks
to query your unique line of thinking and ways of doing things and
before you know it, you have aligned yourself to the fray and singing
the chorus of the masses.
The mobile phones have been of immense help to our age. It
has hastened development globally and in every way by helping us
disseminate real-time information. It has averted so many unsavoury and
unwanted situations among others, but for every choice, there is a price
to pay and this price unfortunately is so grave and fatal.

You see a lot of people rushing to their various places of
work in the morning with depressed faces and blood-shot eyes because
they were probably surfing the internet all night long or talking on the
phone at reduced rates or other times free tariffs from their service
providers. It is unfortunately so because they have friends in different
time zones or because they could not do it during the day. They lack
the needed intrinsic motivation to work and usually are not enthused
about work except for those who have a regular task or quota to
contribute and these groups of people are mostly tired during productive
hours or sleeping on the job.
People now drive with one hand controlling the gear and
the steering wheel while the other hand clutches the phone and the term
it dexterity. The phone has to be handy so as to stay in touch with
other people around the world. Stay in-touch, doing what? At the expense
of your life? People practically cross the roads with their fingers on
the tab of the phones, sending a message or checking one.

Take a visit to homes and the scene is so pathetic. The
whole family is logged on to the internet via their own choice of
gadgets. Some are in front of bigger screens thus computers and some
hooked on to their mobile phones and none of them is engaged in any
meaningful chat; all of them flirting one way or the other with people
miles away; some they are not even sure are real.
Parents are happy their children do not go out anymore,
where they will be exposed to other perceived and stereotyped lifestyles
from their neighbors, not knowing that, their children are up to their
necks in danger by indulging in self-destructive thoughts and activities
online waiting to go berserk.
There are other groups of people who do not have the TIME to
come and chat all day and night, no! They come and dupe people; make
money. For these groups of persons, e.g. the Prostitute, the internet is
solely for commerce. It has offered them bigger platforms to solicit
for clients and tell you what, it’s booming like hot cake and this makes
me want to ask, how does hot cake taste like? All they do is put up
erotic photos or even in some instances, presentable photos and you are
still game.
Some say its modernity so we should get used to it. Get
used to the fact that, students don’t read their books anymore? Get used
to the fact that porn sites are triggering in your face all day every
day until you visit the site and feed your eyes for a while? Get used to
the fact that so many people do not write with a pen on a paper or into
their books anymore since they can both type on the computer or their
sophisticated gadgets and get them printed in a fleeting moment? We have
practically forgotten how the world was some years back before the
advent of the technological age and that shows how involved our minds
are in this destructive stance.
Many people do not use their minds anymore. There is the
calculator, thesaurus, phone book and other applications and inventions
that are readily available to aid us. How many phone numbers can you
dial off the cuff? How do you reach out to someone when you are
distressed and in danger somewhere without your phone since all we do is
go to phone book on the menu and scroll down to the desired person we
wish to call or just by typing the first letter of the receiver’s name
and voila, s/he is on the other side, unless there is a situation?
We used to remember so many phone numbers because we kept
phone books and kept punching same numbers overly until it gets etched
in our minds. At this pace and rate, I think all of us are endangered
because, what happens when the server at the service provider’s office
is switched off? The thin line between doom and chaos is just a click
away. What if the man manning the server sleeps on duty? What happens
when that man presses the off button on an experimental spree? We go to
gatherings and our mobile phones are rendered useless because of traffic
and pressure on the location and that makes it hard to locate each
other let alone pass on information.
Can you even imagine MTN, Vodafone, Expresso, Airtel and
other service providers go off for a day like ECG does? I think someone
has to save the already lost world because the whole world is plunging
into an abyss. It is rightly so, because those who are not inclined will
also be dragged along and we need a backup plan as soon as possible.
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