Our lives did not just crystallize from the vacuum, but was guided and guarded by the mystical powers beyond, a deity that has enormous powers and bigger than we ever thought. Therefore we have to render account to him. This accounting exercise has become necessary and factual because even here on earth, our masters and facilitators expects and make it a necessity. And so with this hindsight, how are we living our lives?
I understand humans, the superior of all God’s creations were created in the image of God and for him thus making us masters of our own fate and self, but most of us have become slaves to the system with our full consent and endorsement. This is very bad and does not fit into the divine plan.
Most of us hardly meditate on our ways and the only time we do is when we are hard up or stuck up in dicey situations that we unconsciously and consciously plunge ourselves into. Instead, you see most people waking up in the morning and running helter-skelter to their various workplaces, schools and what have you at the expense of their inner satisfaction and that of the creator and the most interesting thing is we are ever complaining.
If our to and fro's are characterized by all this complaining and grumblings, then what is stopping us from changing our lifestyles? I guess it’s the status quo. Yes, because I have to eat like any other person, wear good clothes and put on scented perfumes, drive the best if not the latest cars and to satisfy my sexual gratification.
We have been conditioned to be employed and basically that is what we are taught by our predecessors who should know better. In as much as we have to work and satisfy our hunger; a basic necessity, it is not the purpose of our very existence. There is an ever growing population in our schools all over the world learning to become good employees because that is what makes you a good and accepted person in society which definitely is outside the creator’s purpose for us.
God created us simply to make him happy by revering him and living within his tenets. These tenets are the universal or karmic laws and not the ones instituted by man. Examples of these karmic laws are ‘doing unto others what u would want them done unto u’ and reaping what you sow among others, but what we do is shove these laws aside and hold steadfastly unto the man-made laws which is impossible because most of them only acts as social control and does not give us any inner happiness and does not augur that oneness we crave with the creator. We cannot live outside the functions and expectations of our creator for example, you do not employ a garden boy to do whatever he wants but rather you ask him to do your WILL in the quest of finding happiness for himself.
A computer is designed and manufactured to perform specific functions and that is exactly what it does. There are so many books on the shelf admonishing us to set objectives and goals and even how to achieve them, but what happens after the achievements? We only tend to want more thus not fulfilling our inner satisfaction and making us more empty and confused. On the contrary, the person who lives simple life, guarded by the fact that he has to live for the creator becomes more happier and fulfilled because other things get added to the path he has chosen.
We have fallen so much for the system that we even tend to look down on people who do not work in this hierarchical and structured institutions, but what happens is we are always working to enrich these folks and pay tax at the end of pay day and only go home with peanuts referred to as ‘take home pay’ and we do this all our lives. How pathetic! If only we were conscious of ourselves, then we will find it imperative to sit our butts down and meditate on our lives as to if we are happy regardless of our mode of religion.
What we have to do is to start thinking radically to be self-sufficient so we can have time with our maker who is always within us. We need that persistent and constant communication with him and so must not plunge ourselves into work, work and more work.
We would account for every minute we spend on earth in the next world which has always been an illusion to most of us because the karmic law is prolific and very paramount. Most of us are in on this and we have to start thinking of being self-sufficient and try to be one with the universal soul which is GOD.
All this has come about because we are not programmed. We have a WILL to choose and that makes us special among God’s creation unlike other lower primates and other creations. So let us exercise our WILL well as a generation so that it would have ripple effect on the generation gone by and the ones to come. Let us stop ourselves from being pushed around by people and live our purpose driven lives which would eventually make us happy and that of the creator who has created YOU.
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