Even though, things were not moving speedily for him, he did not want to wake up everyday telling himself and everybody around especially people who depended on him that everything was alright, when life was slipping away every second of the time.
All he ever wanted was to be loved, not for who somebody think he was, or wanted him to be; exactly what Amanda was looking for, because she’s always believed He’s only human.
She loved him so much that Yayra seem to be in no hurry. He only turned to her when things got tough and nastier, and like the sky; she was always there to bring him on his feet, only for him to abandon her again.
While he was lost in his thoughts, trying to come to terms with how he got himself into this and how he could get rid of the pregnancy, his phone rang. He suddenly jumped at it because the ring tone indicated it was Amanda calling. His confusion suddenly turned into anger. He picked up the call without saying a word. When he found his voice, he only managed to say ‘aha’ Interrogatively. ‘I am pregnant for you and am traveling outside the country. I’ll be back when I deliver our baby, bye’. This she said mockingly and hanged up before he could even say jack. He tried to call back and the phone was off.
Instantly, he brought the engine of his car alive and raced out of the parking lot. He drove urgently to Amanda’s residence only to find no one there. The anger was now turning into rage. He went to her mum’s place which was located across town and could not find her there. This time around, he’s lost it. He rushed to the airport just in time to see her go through the departure lounge to go through traveling formalities. All efforts to have a word with her proved futile because the security guards will not allow him.
Apparently, Amanda had planned traveling outside the country as soon as she discovered, she had taken seed. The pregnancy brought her so much joy because it was the only way, she could become the long awaited mum and also lay claim on his dream man who also happens to be the man of the ladies. She knows, Yayra loved her deep down in his heart but was been messed up by silly tendencies.
She saw vulnerability in him all the time and thought his hostile attitude was just a defense mechanism. He was not willing to compromise his independence and freedom to exploit and pursue his exuberant life style. For her, it was a dream come true. Yayra was every girl’s dream. He was purposeful and businesslike when it comes to life and living it. Coupled with his kind nature, he was also keen, smart, rich, handsome, loving and most of all lovable except for his rude attitude. She thought staying in Ghana will not let her dream of being a mum materialize because she perceived that Yayra will compel or even coerce her to abort the pregnancy to which she would have succumbed anyway.
It’s often said that men use love to get sex and women use sex to get love and this is exactly what Amanda had going on. She’s never being worried about his nagging and unnecessary demands, not to talk about the humiliations she suffered from him. She was rather worried about the unknown. She had always known that when you have someone for a long time and that ‘have’ becomes cemented in routine, as well as thrill, the very presence of the person fills too much space to be ignored and now she was pretty sure Yayra will never forget her anytime soon, which to her serves him right.
He frantically withdrew from the crowd feeling lonely and dogged that he almost looked like something drawn from the tomb, so dried and drawn. He went through to the car park and hurriedly drove off leaving behind a sublime of dust that won’t settle for a long time. He had no bearing in mind let alone a destination. So deep in thought, he could not understand the fact that he has been arm twisted by Amanda. How could she take the whole world along with her, his world?
Before he knew it, he was driving at 100kmph when he was supposed to be doing 50kmph and almost at a traffic intersection. It was too late for him to do anything about the situation so he rammed into other cars and still at top speed, he lost control of himself, climbed the raised pavement and drove into a tree and passed out.
When he finally came back to consciousness, he could tell he was at the hospital by the smell of the strong disinfectant and other chemicals. He tried to move and realized his legs were cast in a plaster of Paris and could not raise them. He tried to raise his head and felt intense pain from his backbone and thought he was in great trouble. That was when everything dawned on him. Thoughts of the past incidents brought tears to his eyes and he began to sob.

After about a year, Amanda came back to town with the new born bouncing baby boy and never went to visit Yayra because she considered him heartless and insensitive. She was ready to look after their child but would not have anything to do with him. This turn of events broke his heart and rendered him sick because Amanda was his last and only hope. Yayra the super star lost everything finally and resigned to his fate with no one to blame. All he resolved to do was to be there till death comes knocking on his door to which he will gladly open.
Would you have accepted Yayra back into your life, if you were Amanda?
Was it selfish of Yayra to want Amanda and the child in his life now that all was said and done?
Was Amanda wicked to have neglected Yayra in his time of distress. suffice it to say Women like it already made huh
Is today necessarily a determinant of tomorrow?
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