Variety they say is the spice of life and has underlined the endeavors of man since time. Time is dynamic and so the varieties keep changing to keep up the pace. Interestingly, it is this variety that has been man’s Waterloo, just because most people consider the word as an entity and not in its entirety.
Variety to others may mean an individual who can or must do everything expected of man. To others, it may mean the participation of various expectations from various people. The people who find themselves in the latter category are bound to go through life easily than those who belong to the former.
Where do we even get these funny ideas? Where do we get all these sex education? Readily among the list are porn movies, men’s magazines, mates bragging down at the local pub, the confession pages of dailies and publications and oh, those nasty jokes women make about pre-ejaculation. Is it any wonder, we get confused about what’s expected in bed?
Some think staying all night will make them a sex god and all those bedroom gymnastics making their partners cross-eyed with desire. Besides getting exhausted, they probably don’t enjoy the sex either. Intimacy is not only shown through sex, but through other various ways like cuddling or taking a shower together because obviously some don’t need sex all the time. The problem often is, we get too worried to impress which should not be like that.
Like most things in life, we want to be at par with everyone else, but when it comes to sex – there is no right or wrong. It only depends on each individual couple. After all sex drive is not only varied over time with hormones but also according to stress and life events. A good sex life takes time and effort to maintain. So it does not always come easy - our busy lives are taxing and often leave us tired and devoid of the imagination and motivation required to keep up the pace. Having good sex doesn’t necessarily mean spending hours and hours of frolicking, it can be as simple as doing something a little different just for a change.
Women are cyclic creatures, and their sex drive varies depending on their hormones and what’s going on in her life. Sometimes it takes a bit longer to get her hot and the same-old song and dance may not be enough. Therefore, it's important to add a few more stimulating aspects to your sex life to keep things interesting. And what often complicates the issue is we don’t like to talk about it with our partners.
All you need to have a great sex is intimacy, physicality, mental relaxation and a good laugh. Confidence is definitely one of the most important things you need as it gives you the necessary presence, charm, charisma and sex appeal you want. Scientists have discovered five sexual organs namely the tongue, hand, penis, vagina and the breast but there is a virtual one, the brain which perhaps is the biggest sex organ of all.
Sex should not be a difficult thing to do as long as it does not stand against your normal expectations. Don’t be swayed by any PR. Do it the way that pleasures you best. Until I see you in the city, practice safe sex!!!
Sex, a pervasive and one of the primary motives of humankind has taken prominence in our interactions ever since the advent of time. Among the myriad and forms of discussions this sex topic takes is how it should be done, who should do it, where it should be done, and what have you.
Where do we even get these funny ideas? Where do we get all these sex education? Readily among the list are porn movies, men’s magazines, mates bragging down at the local pub, the confession pages of dailies and publications and oh, those nasty jokes women make about pre-ejaculation. Is it any wonder, we get confused about what’s expected in bed?
Some think staying all night will make them a sex god and all those bedroom gymnastics making their partners cross-eyed with desire. Besides getting exhausted, they probably don’t enjoy the sex either. Intimacy is not only shown through sex, but through other various ways like cuddling or taking a shower together because obviously some don’t need sex all the time. The problem often is, we get too worried to impress which should not be like that.

Women are cyclic creatures, and their sex drive varies depending on their hormones and what’s going on in her life. Sometimes it takes a bit longer to get her hot and the same-old song and dance may not be enough. Therefore, it's important to add a few more stimulating aspects to your sex life to keep things interesting. And what often complicates the issue is we don’t like to talk about it with our partners.

Sex should not be a difficult thing to do as long as it does not stand against your normal expectations. Don’t be swayed by any PR. Do it the way that pleasures you best. Until I see you in the city, practice safe sex!!!
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