There are so many ungodly churches that have sprung up in
every nook and cranny of the Country which makes you wonder, who authorizes all
these churches to minister to the flock? Isn’t there anybody to ensure that the
flock is not led astray or it’s a matter of the fit surviving against all odds?
It is very rare to see or hear Churches preaching the gospel
lately. No one seems to care about the word of God, not to talk about bible
studies where members of the church equips themselves with a nourisher for the
soul and obviously, no one cares for the spiritual state of the flock. A whole
church cannot even pray for a fly to die and you want to tell me to move
Furthermore, discussion between the clergy and the
congregation has become non-existent, there is nothing like consensus building,
information flow is just a way traffic thereby eroding the essence of
communication, a kind of imposition where they say and the members act thus
making a lot disgruntled.
There are still a few good Churches who preach the gospel, but
who even really cares about the gospel lately? Who wants to be rendered old
fashioned for worshiping in that unknown place of worship which does not buy airtime
on TV and prime time Radio? People want to go to the big churches that make
appearances on radio and televisions, places of worship where Pastors perform
all kinds of miracles; miracles Jesus Christ himself would be awed at.
Gullible and seeking as we are, everybody wants to be a part
of those graceful Umbrellas so they in tend break away from their small gospel
preaching churches, especially the women; widows, the marrieds and singles to
where the pastors do all kinds of things to them, such as washing their private
and under parts and most times ending up having sex with them. Most of them
casts spells on the women and others too are so hard pressed that, they can’t
challenge the so called men of God and it’s as a result of the lack of bible
studies and we have all become victims, one way or the other.
Any question contrary to what they say projects you as a
devil incarnate; as someone who does not respect the word of Good or being used
by the devil because you are questioning the will of God. When someone leaves
the church because of the inconsistencies and the hypocrisy that has engulfed
the church, they will find a scripture to justify his situation and the people
would be referred to as Antichrists, hence their inability to be part of God’s
Kingdom; their congregation.
There are special holy waters to wash in-between the legs of
women and unfortunately, they are the churches that can pay for primetime radio
and TV and have taken over the airwaves, bombarding us with all kinds of
information. The effect on the gospel preaching Churches is that they tend to
invite these Pastors to either come and preach or perform miracles, because
either they are proactive or they will lose their members to those churches.
It is rightly so,
because seeing them on TV makes us think, it’s the way to go. There was
fellowshipping and churches before the advent of Jesus Christ’s ministry, he
could as well build some but he was on and about, preaching the gospel and
winning souls but all these pastors do now is to eat the fattened sheep at the
expense of the congregation, sit at one place and perform miracles.
Members’ donations, pledges and collections comes in leaps
and bounds without being taxed and the sick and aged are still suffering in the church, with barely
no good food to eat, no money to clothe and buy medicines and no one seems to
take care of them and interestingly, those are the most staunchest of all the
members and some of these happenings have made a lot of people lost hope in the
church and are finding solace elsewhere.

As a Christian, we have a reason to be wise, write what you
aspire to be and keep going at it amidst prayer and working towards them and
stop giving the Pastors unnecessary tasks which they happily take advantage of.
People are moving from Church to Church in search of miracles and breakthrough
in their lives when they are not being pragmatic.
There have been tragic happenings in times past in this
nation and how many times have we heard that a Church has donated something to
that effect? How many times do they help in times of national disasters? The only
time we hear about them is when they are entangled in Politics which should not
be their preserve. The church has clearly lost its objective and they have to
bear in mind that God will not forgive them for scattering His own flock as evidenced
in the following Scriptures.
Ezekiel 34:2-10
2. Son of man, prophesy
against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy and say to them: Woe to you shepherds
of Israel who only take care of yourselves! Should not shepherds take care of
the flock?
3. You eat the curds,
clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do
not take care of the flock
4. You have not
strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought
back the strays or searched for the lost. You have ruled them harshly and
5. So they were
scattered because there was no shepherd, and when they were scattered they
became food for all the wild animals
6. My sheep wandered
over all the mountains and on every high hill. They were scattered over the
whole earth and no one searched or looked for them. 7. Therefore, you shepherds,
hear the word of the LORD:
8. As surely as I live,
declares the sovereign Lord, because my flocks lacks a shepherd and so has been
plundered and has become food for all the wild animals, and because all my
shepherds did not search for my flock but cared for themselves rather than my
9. Therefore, you
shepherds, hear the word of the Lord,
10. This is what the Sovereign
Lord says: I am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my
flock so that the shepherds can no longer feed themselves. I will rescue my
flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them
the church has been big business for ages now. The catholic church made tons of money before all the other churches came along.
The new churches just want to catch up.
In this day and age, churches that don't preach the money gospel are dying so they adapt quickly and join the bandwagon
That is why the other Churches are protesting against the Catholics hence Protestants...
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