Anointing Oil.
Consultation fees.
Waist bands.
Wrist bands.

A cursory look around our towns
and cities readily gives you insight into gullible people being exploited in
all forms, all in the name of religion and its attendant salvation. Charlatans with bibles, posing to have heard
and seen God are abusing the citizenry.
What happened to "freely, I
gave you' freely you shall give or they probably paid for all these gifts?
Given that, in tandem with the findings of consumer studies which posits that
consumers are rational at all times and not gullible, can the government still
look beyond that maxim and salvage its people?
Why do we allow fraudsters to
parade and exploit our very own with impunity? If a President had so much
compassion for some displaced Yemeni citizens in times past, then it is prim
and proper that same compassion is extended to Ghanaian citizens.
Freedom of Association cannot be
translated into an avenue to abuse people and offend the sensibilities of
observers. All of us may be groping in the dark, but a ray of light in the
tunnel should be enough hope that a silver lining is nigh.
How different is a Pastor who
engages in all forms of extortion by fronting salvation under the guise of
religion from a certified businessman who consults for a living? How many
Pastors give to some of their dire and needy church members? All they
do is to take, take till the members are pale and lost as it were.
How sensible is it that the one
professing to be the bridge between the flock and Jesus; the supreme watchman
and protector be guided by a host of trained security and heavily built men yet
continually admonishing and asking the congregation to believe and trust in
their maker and to think that all these is funded by the same church is lost on
some observers. Is it a situation of the congregation casting their bread on
the waters while the pastors and leaders going around to gather them?
We can’t speak to the calling
issues of these pastors since we were not there but we can speak to their
responses because we have been admonished to know them by their works and thus
far, their work ratings do not seem to be making things easier. We cannot begin
to worry about them when we already have that of the politicians to contend
In as much as the people would have
to be conscientized to realize that they
are followers of Jesus and not the pastors to forestall most of these
anomalies, the government also owe it to the people to salvage them from these
organized crimes. Government must scrutinize some of these religious groupings
to ascertain whether they have the goodwill of the people at heart or they are
just in for their family and friends because the hunger games must stop and the
musical chairs must go with it.
Writer tweets @the vilejah
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