He reached for his two brown
loafers, fitted his feet into them effortlessly and then looks at her intensely
with a somewhat expressionless face for what seemed like a couple of seconds,
bade her a goodbye and then storms out of her room through the big living room
which was spatially adorned with nice fittings and fixtures in an unusual manner.
For a reason he couldn’t fathom in that little space of time, he felt happy and
relieved he was leaving Awo’s end with less drama than he anticipated and the
fact that he was not harboring his usual look-back-go-back
feeling except the assertive wind that snatched and banged the trap door into
its frame as though he was upset at the turn of events.

He walks to the roadside which was
just a stone throw away depending on who
throws the stone and flags down a Taxi. He sits at the back of the car,
diagonal to the driver's side as though he owned it. He couldn't care less and couldn't care about
sitting positions - his bane, which
was out of habit.
He peered through the half rolled
glass on the window into the distance as street lights and neon billboards
display all kinds of merchandise money can buy glides by. He hardly can have a
grasp of a billboard or the concepts they seem to eternally illuminate before
another one comes by – a sudden realization that the driver is speeding and he
loved it. A little speed in his life right now is welcomed.
He observed that part of the city
was half shut-off, a reminder of the ever present ECG which no one seems to
care about, even the Govament! Pockets of blur lights in the distance
illuminating like floodlights, resulting in less human and vehicular traffic.
The airy night was just perfect as it readily influenced where he should go and
do for a getaway.
A perfect setting for all the
wrong reasons...
KoLo is confused about who he is
and by extension, what is expected of him. He is preoccupied with conflicting
images and ideas of who a real man should be. Trends are changing so fast than
a dog can trot. Bat an eyelid and the world moves ahead a decade leaving you
lagging behind.
Things have changed. You can't
really be yourself any longer. Everybody is supposed to have a role-model or be
one. By all means, act and behave like one of the leading men in the drama
series or just someone popular to get by. Just be anything other than you.
According to some lifestyle
magazines, a real man should keep a job. A real man should visit the meds
periodically. A real man should be represented or associated with prim suits,
big watches, at least a big car. A real man should be greeted with a rousing
welcome when they make an entry or make everyone sad when they leave the party.
A real man should not make his lady cry or lack anything, not even her
emotional needs and the list goes on but thanks to some alcohol, some
irresponsible friends and some Daddy's legacy, he has been able to push thus
He is tired of being subjected to
the standards of Hollywood or wetincallit. He is ordinary and wants to remain
as such and tired of keeping appearances. After all, no one is dedicated to
making up his face ten times in an hour, neither is his hair primmed to stand
on like bristles from time to time. He adjusts well and whips up his
not-so-smart phone, unlocks it and start wiping his finger on the lit screen
with dexterity in a way you have never seen before. He seemed to have done that
all his life.

Everybody including Awo wants
something, so it turned out that she wants the good life, travel around the
place if possible, hang out with the Socialites among her circles, and spend
some real cash. She also wants a real man out of her man which means anything
that makes her feel good even at the detriment of the significant other. A man
who compliments her shortfalls – a need dictated by her suppressed emotions….
…to be continued.
writer tweets @vilejah
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