Love from Anloga
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Hogbetsotsoza 2015
The Annual Hogbetsotso Festival for the people of Anlo kickstarts in their chief city, Anloga, with cultural displays from the various Schools in the Community. Here are some still and motion pictures for your pleasure.
Monday, 26 October 2015
The doomwatcher's almanac
So, I was having a random chat
with Ringo, the other day, and we came up with some interesting observations
about people and society which I would gladly share with you in a jiffy. But before I indulge
you further I think it is expedient to introduce you, my dear reader, to Ringo;
my imaginary friend who is always there when I need to dilate on issues. And just before you go off the tangent that
Mynah - the talking bird, is at it again, I would like to preempt your mind
that, unlike you, who doesn’t have the time when I am ready to engage, Ringo is
always there to interact.
It’s funny how most people think
they are the last link in the human chain, thus placing too much
importance on
themselves or even on their watch. For a moment, we become susceptible to all
kinds of hogwash, making us believe we are at the tail end of the world and by
extension the end of human history. Is it not interesting when some folks
express their disgust about how the world has or is coming to an end when bad
and turbulent times come around?
Conclusively, some will die en
masse every time a catastrophe befalls us which doesn’t mean that the world has
come to an end. No! The world survived the holocaust; it even survived the
great flood that saw only a handful survive, so what more can come? At most,
you might fall a victim directly or indirectly but come tomorrow, the sun will
still rise from the East and set in the West. People will work, eat, merry and
have sex to procreate, except you, who would have become a part of the
statistics, which is sometimes exaggerated for future generations to read,
thanks to Historians.
As generational cohorts, we are
not fine as it seems but it’s just our fair share of trouble and disaster being
dished out to us. After all, dread has always characterized generations before
us, except ours are highly sophisticated and cancerous; sometimes through the simple
administering of a pint of a deadly chemical and the plunging of a syringe or
even a nuclear bomb. It’s even more deadlier when you think of suicide bombers
and viral infections such as Ebola on the other hand.
But whether these stories of
conspiracy are personal or polemical, perspectives or allegorical, it would be
in the interest of the reader to see beyond the matrix to see the reality
therein, since there’s usually a devil or God in the detail. And while it is
hopeful to have solace in the fact that good shall triumph in the end, be
however mindful that the world has kind of thrived on terror and trepidation
such as Powerhouses fighting against each other for superpowers, tales of big
stones raining from the skies to end our existence in such a morbid manner,
deadly and viral infections that yields to no cure, economic crunches that
cannot survive all the economic theories and spiel and wetincallit. So before you go about there spreading
rumors of your gullibility that the world is coming to an end, take note of
your existence on earth, subtract it from how long the world has existed and
the answer is your demise is near, not that of the world.
writer tweets @vilejah
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
The State of our schools
It’s the aftermath of the annual
edition of the JoyFm’s old skul reunion which is also touted as the biggest
outdoor program in West Africa and I want to use this opportunity to pat the
back of JoyFm who is ostensibly the poster child of the multimedia group of
companies based in Accra, for instituting and achieving this feat and to also wade
into the national debate of the estranged relationship between Religion and
I do not intend to bore you with
the history of Schools but once upon a time, Missionaries with all
intents and
purpose set foot on our land to evangelize the word of God but decided over
time to set up schools to educate the inhabitants of the land to facilitate
easy preaching and conversion, then came the government to take over from the
Churches, thus rendering them a pale shadows of themselves without a bearing.
![]() |
The Main Gate of Presec boys that leads to a citadel of Knowledge |
Education, as one of the building
blocks of society has lately been in the news for all the wrong reasons such as
yearly examination malpractices, decline in discipline and excellence -
resulting in weaker institutions, inconsistent curricula, devaluing of our certificates
outside the shores of the land, unwilling and unqualified tutors due to
inadequacy and unattractiveness of the teaching profession and now a political
tool in the hands of the Politicians which often results in unbridled strike
actions, probably due to neglect from the very people it has helped nurtured into
positions of repute and also because the government has decided to micromanage
the schools including the very ones that were built by and through the toil of
The government then intruded the
educational system as it were through regulation which eventually neutralized
and accorded every player in the educational terrain an equal status to
probably drive home the fact that we are all equal, before the Law and even
before God. Maybe, we should be thanking the Government for whipping us into
congruence. Nevertheless, I do not think we are all the same and wields equal
status like they try to impress upon us simply because I see and commune with
different sorts of people in my everyday walks of life and have seen enough to
still frolic in the idea of all of us being the same. However, whoever thinks that
we are all equal can revel in their delusion.
In every society, continuity is
of essence - to preserve their cultural orientations and beliefs, to at least give
them a false sense of permanence. This permanence or any effort at instilling it
is not hewed out of frivolity but often arrived at out of practical convictions
have become one of the very reasons why humans will procreate to continue their
race. I also believe it is in the same vein that religious entities instituted
schools to indoctrinate their very owns and other affiliates who find their
way to their doorsteps.
Muslims and Christians with
their varied sects such as the Catholics, the Wesleyans, The Presbyterians,
the Anglicans and even some latter day churches, through their mission schools have
produced a chunk of excellent individuals who have metamorphosed into giant
brands and sometimes, with a lot of followings. Then came in too much
liberation and the equality argument without recourse to the preambles and
purposes of why the mission schools were built in the first place
turned up a notch higher.
All persons, regardless of their
creed were allowed anywhere but should they not be compelled to abide by the
tenets of the accommodating institution?
Personally, Muslims and
traditionalists who have no school anyway can attend the mission schools
if they wish to be nurtured by the indoctrinating school of their choice
and vice versa, but such individuals must be compelled to go the full haul to
align to the spirit and letter of the Church or their schools thereof. And
rightfully so, to continue breeding legions of soldiers who are without a doubt
the future of the Church and an extension of its doctrines to ultimately fulfill
the purpose of establishing the Church.
But what do we see?
![]() | |
The St. Augustine's Administration block in its full glory |
Methinks, if the powers that be
do not have a problem with these churches or cannot impugn on their existence
and their indoctrination thereof, then these churches should be allowed
to build their own schools as an appendage to train students accordingly. These
Churches also have a need for permanence which requires them to spread their
tentacles and by extension, their dominance.
To think that religious and moral
education have been expunged from the curricula has only made the government’s
efforts at neutralizing and thwarting the objective of the mission schools too
blatant. Government should both build its own school and make it free education
or whatever political gains they stand to derive from their gimmick and leave
the religious schools to operate since their mother churches have been allowed
to fester. Better still, the government should leave the administration and its
bearing in the hands of the Churches and if need be, regulate it from the
fringes. We all know now what it means to say that government has taken over
schools as it is so evident in how educational standards have fallen to their
lowest ebb but the question is why and how does government take over all the
religious schools in the first place?
Thus far, it is even convenient
to say that it was imprudent of the government to take over these schools because
it doesn’t seem to be making meaningful strides. At most, education is even a
distraction on government’s plate, looking at how they are still toying with
what a senior high school curriculum should entail and look like? If a lot was
achieved through crude and not-so-smart ways of doing things in terms of
storing and availing data or textbooks in the past with the Churches in charge,
why can’t we mobilize, plan and execute our agendas in this day and age where schools
now take pride in websites?
Writer tweets @vilejah
Old schools,
Social Psychology,
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
It’s my birthday and I am going
to tell you about a typical day in my life; a very true story at that. Being
someone who like to play in the shadows of discreetness, I must say talking
about myself gives me an indescribable feeling I dislike, but it’s probably
because most are not worth writing about. I am a bad guy in a very good way, so
anytime I decide to talk about me, I am either reveling in my deviance or
gloating about the very few bright spots fate has littered along the journey or
talking about the mundane things everybody experiences which is uncool for me.

I must however confess that till
now, I haven’t settled down on what to write about because I don’t know if I
should talk about me in my teens, my twenties or now, my thirties. I don’t know
if it should be me at the church, school, in the Club, at the Parties or
Carnivals, Beach at night or during the day, on road trips or with family and
friends and most importantly, I don’t know if it should be one of my downsides
or upsides, but yeah, I’m hell bent on telling you one of my stories to at
least inform or correct one speculation or a perception thereof.
Alright, I will indulge you in
how I was unanimously elected the Psychology Course Rep. in the first two years
of my University Education at the University of Ghana, Legon until I relinquished
it and stopped attending lectures altogether. It was the second day of Lectures
and most of us were yet to actually understand where we were and what was
happening. University education has begun and we are here some, at the Premier
University. And you have no idea!
Expectedly though but things were
brisk and different. And yet, while some of us were still struggling to find the
locations of lecture halls and theatres or struggling to memorize semesters
instead of the terms we were used to or even trying to convince ourselves that
we knew what credit hours meant, I was battling it out with a T.A. who was then
a Law Student at the UGSoL to retract his words in course of his lectures to
which he obliged, which in turn made me happy and we’ve since been friends.
Psych 101 is underway and the
topic at hand is sources of Knowledge which he explains are divided into two
main parts, namely scientific and non-scientific methods and he delves onto Tenacity, which is one of the
non-scientific ways of acquiring knowledge. He explains tenacity as holding on
fast to something or a belief and goes on to say, for instance, Christians
believe in one stupid book which tells them that a certain King Solomon was and
shall be the wisest man even in the absence of verifiable truth to which almost
every student exclaimed “Oh!”
As if on cue, I yelled “Sir, you
can’t say that” from the back to which everyone exclaimed “Eh” and
silence befell the lecture hall. You could actually hear the tick-tocks of watches and he asked me to stand up and I did. Things are about to get real shady, I told myself and then he asked me to explain my reason(s) for the retort.
silence befell the lecture hall. You could actually hear the tick-tocks of watches and he asked me to stand up and I did. Things are about to get real shady, I told myself and then he asked me to explain my reason(s) for the retort.
Then I say “Sir, you can’t say
that just because it did not happen in your time or there is no verifiable
truth. Most of us were not born in the era of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and cannot say
for a fact that he lived even though he did and led an awe inspiring life which
is already mythical to our generation. How much more a legend that is two
thousand years? In fifty years time, anyone who chooses not to believe in the
Kwame Nkrumah Story can resort to deriding him and his opinion will not become
the new truth. Besides, Sir, the Bible symbolizes the faith of so many people
here which is why you can’t say that” and the whole class cheered yeah, yeah,
hear, hear, and anything people say when they pride themselves in a Champion.
The Lecturer managed a smile and
thanked me for the perspective and instructively retracted that analogy and
apologized by actually saying sorry
which was humbling as he continued with the lectures. About ten minutes into
time, he calls and beckons “You at the back, come here” and the class with
their usual exclamations that sways in allegiance of who is winning or losing the
turn of events exclaimed “3h3” meaning ‘as3m aba’. Honestly, I felt the jitters
as I walked forward to the front of the hall.
“Gentleman, what’s your name?”
“Alfred Kpodo”
“I want you to be my Class
President, will you?”
Hesitatingly, I answered “Yes, I
will” then he turns to the Class and asks…
“Do you want him as your Class
“From now onwards, you are the
Class President”.
Then he asked me to take my seat to
which I heeded and that first step I took after the introduction marked the
beginning of my enjoyment of special favors on Campus.
And, just so the import of my
recount does not lost on you, all I am trying to say on this very beautiful day
which also doubles as my birthday is that I am a Cancer and I can be very
infectious. God bless as I dedicate my first Unscripted to my parents for
showing the way in my quest for happyness.
Happy Birthday to me.
writer tweets @vilejah
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
The near misses...
He reached for his two brown
loafers, fitted his feet into them effortlessly and then looks at her intensely
with a somewhat expressionless face for what seemed like a couple of seconds,
bade her a goodbye and then storms out of her room through the big living room
which was spatially adorned with nice fittings and fixtures in an unusual manner.
For a reason he couldn’t fathom in that little space of time, he felt happy and
relieved he was leaving Awo’s end with less drama than he anticipated and the
fact that he was not harboring his usual look-back-go-back
feeling except the assertive wind that snatched and banged the trap door into
its frame as though he was upset at the turn of events.

He walks to the roadside which was
just a stone throw away depending on who
throws the stone and flags down a Taxi. He sits at the back of the car,
diagonal to the driver's side as though he owned it. He couldn't care less and couldn't care about
sitting positions - his bane, which
was out of habit.
He peered through the half rolled
glass on the window into the distance as street lights and neon billboards
display all kinds of merchandise money can buy glides by. He hardly can have a
grasp of a billboard or the concepts they seem to eternally illuminate before
another one comes by – a sudden realization that the driver is speeding and he
loved it. A little speed in his life right now is welcomed.
He observed that part of the city
was half shut-off, a reminder of the ever present ECG which no one seems to
care about, even the Govament! Pockets of blur lights in the distance
illuminating like floodlights, resulting in less human and vehicular traffic.
The airy night was just perfect as it readily influenced where he should go and
do for a getaway.
A perfect setting for all the
wrong reasons...
KoLo is confused about who he is
and by extension, what is expected of him. He is preoccupied with conflicting
images and ideas of who a real man should be. Trends are changing so fast than
a dog can trot. Bat an eyelid and the world moves ahead a decade leaving you
lagging behind.
Things have changed. You can't
really be yourself any longer. Everybody is supposed to have a role-model or be
one. By all means, act and behave like one of the leading men in the drama
series or just someone popular to get by. Just be anything other than you.
According to some lifestyle
magazines, a real man should keep a job. A real man should visit the meds
periodically. A real man should be represented or associated with prim suits,
big watches, at least a big car. A real man should be greeted with a rousing
welcome when they make an entry or make everyone sad when they leave the party.
A real man should not make his lady cry or lack anything, not even her
emotional needs and the list goes on but thanks to some alcohol, some
irresponsible friends and some Daddy's legacy, he has been able to push thus
He is tired of being subjected to
the standards of Hollywood or wetincallit. He is ordinary and wants to remain
as such and tired of keeping appearances. After all, no one is dedicated to
making up his face ten times in an hour, neither is his hair primmed to stand
on like bristles from time to time. He adjusts well and whips up his
not-so-smart phone, unlocks it and start wiping his finger on the lit screen
with dexterity in a way you have never seen before. He seemed to have done that
all his life.

Everybody including Awo wants
something, so it turned out that she wants the good life, travel around the
place if possible, hang out with the Socialites among her circles, and spend
some real cash. She also wants a real man out of her man which means anything
that makes her feel good even at the detriment of the significant other. A man
who compliments her shortfalls – a need dictated by her suppressed emotions….
…to be continued.
writer tweets @vilejah
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