Should you give in to your spouse’s
demands for sex just because the bible has decreed that the body you wield is
not yours, but that of your significant other?
How can we salvage the perversion
and its related pornography making rounds in the house of the Lord?
Society has undergone an acute
change depending on your knowledge or lack of it. People are being encouraged
to be vocal and to possibly lay bare every thought that passes through their
minds all in the name of expressing one's fundamental human rights -
irrespective of whether it makes sense or not. Just say it by all means...
It has even become a serious
situation in our modern dispensation where women engage in more lucrative and
sophisticated ventures than their male counterparts who have become emotional -
a feat they have achieved above their forebears who did all the menial work and
nothing much. Either these forebears did not really use their creative
faculties that much or were not allowed by the men to use them or both. There
could even be more contributive factors but that will be treated under a
different subject matter at a different time.
Even though these changes can be grouped
into the positives and negatives, they are ghastly weighing down the law and
order and even the trends of old. This change irrespective of what one believes
in has influenced society and by extension, our lives.
Be it a Christian, an atheist, a
Buddhist and the other millions of religions that abound, human beings are
endowed with varying degrees of energy and physique which directly bears on how
much we can put in and even take out. For instance, when emotions blind two
different people at the extreme ends of the gender parameter to come together
as a man and a woman, coupled with desires to match, then your guess would be
as good as mine.
As much as there is no gainsaying
why a man and a woman would want to relate intimately, it is also imperative to
note that two different people cannot always be ready for sex at the same time,
which makes it difficult for couples to sustain a relationship in many cases.
And it is rightfully so because the degrees of the difference in timing and its
related tardiness becomes a surety that erodes the very foundation of the
union. Simply, it breeds mistrust issues.
It is however interesting to know
that, aside energy, desire, experiences, age, culture, expectations,
availability, reciprocity and accessibility which influences how much we are
willing to have sex, work issues have also waded in to confound the already
labouring situation. This means, there is the probability that one of the
couple is always almost tired or disinterested in sex which breeds apathy out
of the constant rejection or inability to give or be ready, even when it
matters most.
You would then realize that the
Inability of one of them to respond "how deep?" when asked to dig,
becomes the Achilles heels of the union.
As a matter of fact, The Bible
has failed to prescribe how sex should be practiced and all the other nuances
regarding it, but has explicitly stated that sex is for procreation and shall
remain the preserve of the married but it appears the unmarried Christians are
having it too. There is even the likelihood that they are having it more than
the married couples because of their zest, energy and mostly their purpose,
which is the pleasure they derive from engaging in it.
For a Christian, it must be very
difficult being caught between your penchants and God's directives even though
they have from time immemorial proven how well versed they are in selective
pragmatism - doing only what pleases them and relegating the ones they can’t do
to the back.

Thanks to the power of
technology, sex is now commonplace like a flicker of fire in a mud hut razing
down nations of which the Christendom is a minute part, so how are they going
to survive this inferno when the opposite is what they are expected to do?
Sometimes, it appears the
Christian is the most ignoramus and most confused person to ever walk the
face of the earth but that would be under-estimating their presence and what
can become of them.
To be continued…
The Writer tweets @vilejah
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