It’s not easy to be a man is a cliché I have been made to
internalize since childhood but going forward, I have come to realize that it
was one of the many ways the men have employed to stay ahead of the women pack.
At least it used to be true in the past but I think times have changed and it
has ceased to apply.
excused because
of their biological make up. Women take time off to breed babies, take time off
during menstrual periods since most are characterized by sicknesses. They also
take time off to take care of the house which in itself is a full time job;
bathing two or more children at least twice a day, bathing and taking care of
themselves to still look attractive and youthful for the men, do all the family
laundry, make sure there is always food, patch every torn garment there is,
make sure their men are sexually satisfied every time their libido requires to
be attended to, keep the house clean and orderly and the list is endless.
In view of the foregoing it could
also be argued that providence for the house exclusively became a man’s job. A
man makes sure even against all odds that his family is well fed, they have a
roof that wont leak which also dodouble as a chimney, a place to sleep, has to
ensure that there is enough food for the household and solely responsible for their
protection against any harm. The man is compelled to be the hero of the family,
to take good decisions whose benefits will inure to the family’s benefit and
the list again is exhaustive.
Fast forwarded to now and nothing
has really changed except a subtle agitation in the women folk to really have a
feel of what manhood feels like – acting and feeling like men, thus usurping
most of their roles. Even though it smacks of pulling leverage, most women are
now working in one form or the other to contribute in the upkeep of the house
or to at least fend for themselves which used to be the preserve of the men.
Most women are now educated and appreciably intelligent and are helping their
husbands/men build empires.
And in spite of some limitations
in their famed “what men can do, women
can do better” mantra, which some of them like to brandish at every instance,
it can be argued out that women work like their male counterparts and are
exposed to every danger like everyone else. Their tendency to be damned by irresponsible
men who are not men enough to take care of their own children and the crudeness
they are exposed to when ruthless men rape them has even made them more
endangered than the mythic Dinosaurs.
Aside the natural forces women
have to face on every day basis, they also face discrimination in all forms. It
is a known fact that women are harassed, intimidated and exploited for sex at
work places and even at Churches. They are also beaten, abused, assaulted and
subjected to all kinds of ordeal by men. It is also notable how the womenfolk
are relegated to the back of the burner except for the new breed who would not
allow these gender cards to be played in their faces – the Feminists.
Whereas, men are preferred than
their female counterparts when it comes to employment, they are also faced with
a glass ceiling that does not allow them to really climb the career ladder or
rise to higher positions in their various endeavors - and while they are still
being tagged as weak, panic-stricken, impatient in some cases, their mortality
rate still stands higher than that of their male counterparts but I am yet to
really hear them coin anything like being
a woman is herculean or a curse.

Finally, I think it is time for
the men to look at the positive sides of their gender and count themselves
blessed by not pathetically clinging on to the cliché “to be a man is not easy” because I maintain that being a man should
be easy by all means necessary at least while society is still patriarchal.
writer tweets @vilejah