They say its attitude, I say its
I must admit most of my write ups
are usually not for public consumption but somehow they find their way into the
public domain. The need to keep at least those I deem inapt for the public is
because they are laden with too many of my warped view of the world - my
disappointments, dejection and rejections, gloomy moments and some little
successes which are not detailed enough or anything worth highlighting.
On the other hand, I think I can
quickly hazard a few guesses why my subconscious still makes me publish some of
these write-ups instead of keeping them to myself even against odds. Firstly,
it’s because it makes a lot of sense to hide our valuables in plain sight which
is rightly so because the more we look, the less we see. Chances are also that
you may overly get used to it and probably write it off at your own peril.
Secondly, I think I have been
using diaries incorrectly. I remember the good old days when it was fashionable
to own one, year after year. The prestigious feel of either carrying the pocket
sized ones along or coming back from the hustle to write in them. However I
think I have outgrown writing in them. I
simply can’t make do with the care and security that comes with it any longer;
the fear of someone unapproved reading my failures just yet. The handful bright
moments and the fleeting aspirations, not to talk about the penchants and the
wavering emotions as they delve into my innermost quietude without my consent
or any interaction whatsoever. You can say I have become paranoid and you are
Thirdly, I think I want to be a
part of the struggle. I want to hone my voice till it becomes loud enough to be
heard. Keeping my muse to me is negative energy hence the need to contribute my
quota. I am mostly aware of my limitations but I don’t see how it affects my
efforts at trying. I can talk about the ease with
which I can easily reach out rather than being sought for, the technological
advancements, the new world order and what have you but unfortunately, it is
not the import of this piece.
Sometimes, I think I talk too
much but I always marvel at my invisibility anytime I take a trip through Twitter Avenue and Facebook Crescents. Herh! People can talk papa. The way they
seemingly appear as all-knowing, having a thing or two to say about everything,
professing theories and beliefs as though they are the second coming makes me
think that we all talk too much. The only difference herein is how group
dynamics affects our interaction and the way we tend to adapt.
The difference thus affects what,
where, when and how you choose to express your opinion or present your facts
and the number of people you are willing to engage at a given time and still
not losing sight of the fact that these interactions are somehow guided by
(common) Laws.
There are so many things we don’t
talk about especially in the public domain but feels comfortable talking about all
day with a friend or two and I am confused as to which one is better. In same
vein there are so many things I have not talked about publicly or at least with
you. For Instance, I have not told you that I sometimes get disappointed when I
remember all the numerous ladies, both young and old who used to call me My Husband when I was just a child. I
have not told you that my dream of becoming an accomplished Musician is only
short of someone believing in my potentials and giving me the platform to work
on my lots, neither have I also told you that the dream is in limbo just
because way back in 2008 when I met the then celebrated Jay Q, he insisted I sang
in Twi which already had a Market against the backdrop of my (global) English stance in the quest of creating my own market. But
If only I could come across the people
who produces and manages acts like D-Black, Asem, Nana Boroo, Akoo Nana, OJ
Black, Tinny and other artistes of their ability, that singular dream could be
realized easily but I am hanging in here and hoping…
Ever since I became privy to the
fact that silence being golden does not mean it is gold in itself, I changed my
mind - simply because the Gold fascinates me way pass the glow. Yeah, that is the only enlightening thing
about being enlightened. Changing your mind as and when new perspectives are
illuminated. Going with the flow in a steady pace while still being mindful of
the race.
They say life is short, live
happily, cut yourself some slack, don’t be hard on yourself, don’t wallow in
the past, develop an attitude, don’t complain, be thankful, say your mind,
develop a sense of humor, start new things, go downtown or uptown (depending on
which divide of town you reside) from time to time to acquaint with life there,
eat healthily, Exercise a lot, dare to dream, laugh heartily, take vacations and
capture bright moments but unfortunately, most of us are living contrary to
this long list of what can make life thick and enjoyable for humans.
They have failed to prescribe
another list of to-dos for those of us who are living far from this myth. They
have failed to provide for those of us who can’t think past what to eat and
where to sleep. The irony of working all day everyday yet can’t make ends meet
juxtaposed against those who are working less of the time but have more to
stash away simply because the former is touted as not working smart and other
readily plausible explanations.
At least we could have a list
that reads like, wake up before it is actually time to wake up or wake up even
though you hardly slept, wake up to other noisy neighbors screaming at a stray
animal or their children, work all day every day because it is good for your
spiritual upliftment, eat less nutritional foods in messy surroundings, take
selfies even though your face is wrinkled and your smile is wry, perpetually be
inclined to the past, don’t save, refuse to have a sense of humor, don’t ever
call over friends and family over to merry with you, have apathy for success,
refuse to be a Socialite and at worst be a Masochist. We are obviously on our

There is so much to say but in
the light of developing social trends, it is also worthy to note that some of
our stories will forever be untold even though someone must hear us by all
means necessary. And while at it, let us also be mindful that of all the things
that can elude us, we have to steadfastly hold on to hope and positive self
esteem in its right proportion lest you are declared the official douche bag of
the Century.
Follow the writer on Twitter @vilejah