I have a penchant to sleep with a lot of women everywhere and every time
my biological and emotional needs have to be satisfied, so as to create that homeostasis
my body needs to function well in this crazy world we continually strive hard
to complicate every day, but boy, do I get to make manifest my wild imaginations
and desires? I just bottle them up and I
know that pretty shortly, my senses will explode and leave me in many tiny
Needless to say but, just like each of you reading my thoughts right
now, I desire and lust after women almost so well that, it feels like a second
nature. The ease and flair with which the underlying pervasive trait comes to
the fore is even exhibited well when I meet a lady who likes my style.
In the not too distant past, one of the singular acts among others that
made men manly was having two or more sexual partners designated as wives, but fast forwarded to now, it is a taboo and
in most cases, a violation of the criminal code to have more than one sexual
partners and the progress we have made thus far only makes you want to ask for the
memo that mandated the smooth transition and initiation of the emasculation
It may be a conservative way to see it, but I believe nothing happens
in a vacuum. Everything has antecedents and it would be a fatal mistake if we
as a generation, would consciously break part of the chain, probably because it
is perceived as the weakest in the link. History, as a summary of antecedents
has informed us about times and generations past, which is how come we will also
be stringed together in the chain of happenings when our descendants take over from us and if the aforementioned paragraph is justifiable enough, then please, help me
list the names of all the great men like King David, King Solomon, Abraham, the
Pope and your forefather who all have had more than one woman or sexual partners at
one time or the other?
Basically sex is for procreation,
so why does it necessarily come with all these warped emotional leanings? Have
we complicated the sex idea? Sometimes you realize that it is not even an issue
of the number of times we have sex or the unavailability of it as depicted in
the situation where the married are almost always cheating on their spouses.
This and a lot more factors begs the question”why is it difficult for the
married to simply stay with their spouses” since there is that natural pass, according
to social norms and other statute laws. We are also told that, married folks are supposed to drink
from their wells till they run dry, so what has happened? Issues!
Granted that I was married to just one of the numerous women who could
have freely allowed me to do a thing or two with them, I am still very sure that, there would be days
where my beautiful wife would decline my call to commune for so many reasons,
among which would be tiredness, emotional instability, the need to enjoy
serenity, the need to be with one’s self or probably out of sync, coupled with my annoyance and
same would have applied too, if I was just picking women at random based on
attractiveness, the need to cling and to feel accepted.
However, no matter high the probability for one out of ten women who could have wanted to have sex with me on days
where my ‘wife’ becomes inaccessible, I still guess that, the deal to even have a one-night stand is non-negotiable
and a no-go area in our society. it is even funny when She is not ready to have sex or probably sick
and indisposed, or may have traveled or all the aforementioned factors may still
be applying, but the mere mentioning of something weird, such as that alone is
enough to spark the third world war so you probably have to do is to resort to masturbation or praying.
E hard o!
How many days, months or years should the willing spouse wait should
all these prevailing conditions linger on? I sometimes shudder at what can
become of us should our thought processes develop in the direction it is headed
to, but I still believe in humanity to find a balance therein.
I always feel myself reveling in a claustrophobic world where I can’t
live my life. There is so much limitations and dictations against all odds and in
a supposedly liberal world which allows men to have anal sex but other men can’t have
one or more sexual partners and it kills me to continually conform to some one
time emotionally imbalanced and transient thought of someone’s utopia. Why do I
keep fighting between the need to gratify my sexual desires and the need to
conform, which is continually conflicting anyway?
Can Science answer how many times a man should or can have sex? I am
just being hopeful it does for me to be a lot more hopeful because I know it
can also provide the answer to how many sexual partners we are mandated to
How can I forget that a society without highly esteemed laws that are so
valued is soon thrown into a state of anarchy, but did we actually pass a law
which binds one man to one woman even long after their desire to cohabit,
procreate or just mate for the sake of it has ended? Evidently, no one person
can satisfy our wants by being everything we have ever wanted in a mate or spouse,
so why can’t we allow ourselves to arrange it in such a way that, a man can go
for one woman who is blessed with exceptional culinary skills, another one endowed
with a great sense of fashion, and the other with great sense of humour and
oratory power and another with very delicate and beautiful features like that of an Akuaba
Wouldn’t this make up for what we want rather than the compulsion to
stick to one clueless life partner even after the realization that our fore
decisions requires a little altering? What happened to the age old wisdom of
only fools sticking to their earlier illogical decisions? I know we are living in
dangerous times; times when it is easier to say we are all angels than to say
we are fools and ill-willed, but why these unnecessary theatrics?
How long are we going to arraign the numerous men and women before our
guilty selves for having consensual sex because some group of people decides to
call it scandalous? Ridiculous! So many great men and women have been publicly
shamed and chastised regardless of their good deeds and attributes simply for
having sex they practically consented to. Such a hopeless situation where those
with sin are the first ones to be casting stones at the accused.
How long are we going to look on for homes to be disintegrated just because
one fallible man or woman could not maintain a one-time balance between societal ethics
or values and their primal biological needs? We move heaven and earth to encourage
the not-caught-yet spouse to break away from the sinful other and where do they
go, to marry another person and live happily ever after, no?
How about imagining an utopian society where the need to marry one or
more wives or keeping other women otherwise known as concubines would be an
individual choice based on some conditions rather than a collective one? Alcohol
consumption is legal for everyone above eighteen and lower than that threshold
in modern and extreme cases but it is not everyone who consumes alcohol so how
different would it be when it comes to marriage. It still would be dependent on
some factors like handsomeness or beauty, attitude, the ability to take care of
multiple partners among others. We claim differences with regards to
orientation, bloodlines, and environmental influences and still compel
ourselves to do things the same way. Are you not tired of living in a cloned
society where diversity and the need to be one’s self is always preached but
not adhered to or I am just an incorrigible deviant?
Dear reader, I hope you are not just yet judging my asking all these
rhetoric, when all you can do is to take off a little time of your busy
schedule that does not allow you to ask these kind of questions let alone come
by answers to help me find answers to my questions and I just may stop
indoctrinating those who are probably nodding and siding with my expressed
Alright, enough of the cynicism. I am sure the need to marry and stick
to the one-man-one-spouse project is to create a just world where one’s partner
would be the most beautiful thing that has ever beheld their eyes and also become
the panacea to their numerous relationship and sexual needs. These spouses
would always be there for and with us where bonds of varying degrees would be
formed which we also refer to as, over-dependence. They would be everything
ranging from that hairy-chested man who dresses to kill and at the same time,
the most God-fearing person you have ever known. They would also be that hard
working guy who would also have time to spare walking you through the park and
still have time to work out their six-pack and tone up like the Vitruvian man.
The question however is, is the one-man-one-spouse program working? Do
we have that trouble-free and just world full of lovers who understands the
very purpose of their being together? Sex can pass for one of the many causes
that have killed men the most yet it is always met with closed-lips, uncanny
attitude and funny postures.

Mandating people to vow to keep to a spouse before all men or swearing
the oath of celibacy, while keeping (other) women at the blind side of society
is just not cool and smacks of hypocrisy. Even though I stand to be corrected, I
think people should not be compelled to tow such hard lines which leave them
scathed and insane. In other words and against the backdrop of all that has happened
in the name of sex, we have to erode all the regressive and stifling laws or
make some exemptions to allow responsible and capable people to satisfy their elevated
animal instincts.
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