I keep wondering why it is often
said that biblical advancements and submissions are not accepted in academia or
intellectual discourses. I like to think of it as politics of convenience and
rightfully so, because if all the
other areas of study, which is an assemblage of information but probably
empirical as they like to say or make
us believe, why can’t the information from the Bible be used?
If the Bible which also happens
to be the most printed and widely read book in the whole wide world is not
qualified to be engaged in any debates, why then is Theology studied in Schools
like the other subjects that they deem qualified? Who justified their inclusion anyway? Some Board perhaps.
I know people will be quick to
say, the Bible is to Christians as the Quran is to the Muslims, so what happens
to someone who does not share in the Christian faith? Must you share in a faith
to know the Truth? Must I necessarily be a Muslim to at least understand that
ablution before prayer is in order and makes sense?

Having committed that atrocious
sin which is believed to have set the tone, God punished all of them
accordingly; each according to his or her capacity and the role they played in
the Eden gate scandal. The Bible explicitly recorded their punishments in
Genesis 3:6 to the woman that “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your
conception; In pain you shall bring forth children; Your desire shall be for
your husband’ and he shall rule over you’’ (KJV) and in Verses 17-19, it stated to man that “Cursed is the ground for your
sake; In toil you shall eat of it all the days of your lie. Both thorns and
thistle it shall bring forth for you, and you shall eat the herb of the field.
In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread Till you return to the ground,
For out of it you were taken; For dust you are, And to dust you shall return’.
If most of us believe in the
creation story, then it is just right to believe in their punishments too, but
once again, Eve, the torchbearer is making it difficult for man to have a
breather. She has twisted the arms of the man and taking him on another endless
folly trip which probably might warrant them another grave punishment.
Man to a very large extent is
serving his punishment by toiling and eating the herb of the field. Man is
still eating bread till he returns to the ground; despite Jesus’ admonishment
that he shall not live by bread alone and in most cases they even matures into
automatic bread winners. Man was supposed to toil before he eats for the rest
of his life, to which he carries out daily without hesitation even though some of
them grumble.
A woman’s desire as embedded in
her punishment was to be that of his husband and overruled by her husband but
things have changed drastically and once again, women have shown God that, they
can’t be tied down to His punishment. They can’t be kowtowed by his dictates
and will do as they want. Women’s desires are no longer that of their husbands,
they have taken the law into their own hands and are competing with the men,
even in toiling the land. Eh!
Women have rendered so many men
jobless because they have taken the vacant slots that were supposed to have
absorbed the men. They rather become the breadwinners while the men stay at
home and in some cases, they even refer to the men as lazy, irresponsible and
uninspiring. Hmm! As to how the men feel when they are seated at home, while
the women become the breadwinners, we shall leave it now to revisit later.
Women can advance so many
theories and justifications to draw empathy to themselves and make a man feel
so wicked for treating them unequally
when it is their own doing. They were the ones who led the men into trouble
which has warranted them the life they ought to have had but they are the first
to yell on top of their distressed voices.
Women are actually in competition
with men, regardless of the fact that they were supposed to be serving
different punishments and its related consequences. Some of the notable points
they readily project are, they have been relegated in decision making
processes for far too long and it was time they were included or were given the
mandate to actually oversee the men. Some of them will do anything to actually
make the men's desire, theirs. Some have made baby-sitters out of men, leaving helpless
babies as three months old in the care of a man, just because they have to go
and toil which should actually be done by the latter. I can bet my last writing ink
that, some women would actually do anything to see men take over conception and
the multiplied pain that characterizes labor and i'm even sure some bunch of men and women are locked up somewhere in a laboratory trying to make it possible for men to start delivering babies, to end it all.
Why are these daughters of Eve complicating
life for all of us? Why are these women arrogating all these roles or a
punishment which was supposed to be a man’s preserve? They even tout with chic,
their prowess when they say “what men can
do, women can do it better” which they coined from their 1985 Beijing
Conference in China, not to talk about their trump card “Times have changed”.
Hello, can somebody out there
read me? Please tell somebody to tell somebody that they should change the
texts in the Bible already, because times have changed? Many books have
undergone revision and some have even been scraped out of the system because
they have become obsolete and irrelevant with the times, but the Bible has
stood the test of time and has seen no such revisions, so who is downplaying
its importance and always relegating it to the background when it comes to
deliberating on what the TRUTH should be? Someone or a group of persons must be
playing some kind of mind games with us and who is dictating the pace and what
we should do at which time?
This hijacking of role and to be
equal to men has made life complicated for many a people or us, as a generation.
Some men cannot marry some women simply because the women are in some
professional occupations that are not socially accepted. If only the women will
tell you the number of men they desire on daily basis but hold themselves in
check because of many trivial reasons, then you would know what I’m talking
about. In some instances, it even bars communication between two potential
couples because a woman of her caliber could simply not stoop low to be seen
chatting or hanging out with a man of her dreams.
An acquaintance of mine,
@Swayekidd, whose thought inspired me to write this piece, is of the opinion that women
have successfully made nonsense of God’s curse or punishment and it is just
right for them to help alleviate the woes of the men, but are they not
aggravating our situation more than they are helping, and in any case, are they
done serving their arduous and sacrificial task of labouring for nine months?
Infact the women should live and let’s live!
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