I've not been keen on the debates, arguments and protests for and against the FREE EDUCATION but i also think we need free education; some form of free education in the form of Scholarships in all forms. I don't think by virtue of everyone's existence, they are entitled to Schooling, let alone FREE EDUCATION.
FREE and quality education must be accessible to those who are willing and capable. It has to be competitive and selection based on merit.
Some people will just not do well in school no matter what you take them through; some will do well but are not motivated to stay in school long enough. Yes, there are many good heads around, getting wasted or channeled into not too productive ventures because they can't afford to pay through school and those are the people we should be fighting for. There are people who can barely eat and you offer them free education for what?
There are too many unemployed graduates than statistics can account for, who PAID their way through school but cannot find JOBS. The Universities reject a very good number of qualified applicants every year and the SHS are also having their fair share of (mis)placed students, not to talk about the rejection of those who opt for fee-paying. So clearly, i don't think we NECESSARILY have a problem with affordability.
There are ill-structures all over the place, structures that can't absorb the willing and capable ones and now, you want to force the unwilling ones. We need structures, we need jobs, we need plans that will work.
There are people in the Universities, who cannot even spell, let alone construct good grammar and they are paying exorbitant fees and now you want to make it free against all odds.
We have not really been comprehensively briefed about how the FREE EDUCATION thing will work, where the money will come from, how long it will work. We don't know if it's going to be on pilot basis or it will take off probably the first term in 2013 or not, we simply don't have a clue as too how they intend to deploy the plan.
Will the Under-Tree schools be evacuated and consequently enjoy the FREE EDUCATION or they will remain there and enjoy it. Either way, there's an improvement in their lives.
It's evident that our leaders are insensitive to our plights as a people and a nation. They have taken us for granted for far too long but, we just keeping voting for them alternatively because we are torn between a rock and a hard place. Most of them have their children attending schools outside the country where they have well stabilized structures, so why can't they replicate such systems with our own monies?

Nothing seems to be working as a nation. Successive Governments reveling in the fact that trophies were won in their regime and that is not mediocrity? I don't even know how we can get them working but they have to work somehow and we have to play our respective roles.
Our leaders should come clear and tell us what we need to know, enough of the Chaskele!