Often times and especially for
the sake of intellect where people resort to crediting their sources of
information for much more credibility, the Bible is shoved aside. My
observation has however revealed that the ‘let’s agree to agree’ kind of
approach is mostly practiced by some Christians who should know better.

Maybe, it being my first point of
call and fact that it was what I was predisposed to has made my lopsided influence
very Grande but given the choice, I still would like to associate myself with
the Christian faith for want of an overwhelming and much more plausible way of
getting by in this deceitful and flexuous journey called Life.
Why is the Bible not accepted as
a point of reference in intellectual discourses? What about the Bible negates
the intellectualism in the so-called discourses as though it is not deep and embodies
a horde of mysteries? Is it the claim that, its Author(s) are unknown or fact
that some of the passages do not add up? And if all the assumptions holds true,
then what other alternatives do you suggest?
Maybe I really need some Church
but I seriously think something does not add up and rightfully so, because till
date, Universities are awarding degrees in Theology – the study of God,
religions and religious beliefs – making it equally relevant as the other
disciplines these Schools offer. The Bible still remains the bestseller ever and
still the most published and widely read book in the world so why the downright
I am yet to hear someone being
admonished to refrain from the use of scientific terms, theories and other
dependent laws or the use of anodyne tales to drive their points home. In same
vein, Manuscripts, pamphlets, unpublished
books and scripts written by Professors, Seasoned Writers and Orators readily
serves as a source of reference and inference only if one can provide the
source and it’s alright but quoting from the Bible, the Quran or whatever one
believes in earns the fellow a religious
Personally, I do not care if the
Bible connotes the largest organized religious group in the world and has
unfounded stories by unknown Authors which makes it mysterious anyway, all I
know is, it rates above all printed matters by the number of people who uphold
and live by its tenets. After all, majority carries the vote, so why the fuss?
Its commonplace to hear some Christians
denounce publicly that they are not religious but spiritual which sharply
reminds the reader of how badly the clergy has failed the Church. They have lost the essence of their call and
are now chasing Politicians. They are busily prodding Christian singles to
mingle at the detriment of the whole flock and their call. How can one be
spiritual if they are not religious? I mean how?
Spirituality can only be attained
through religion whether one is aware or otherwise. If there is any accepted way
through which you acknowledge and revere God or the lack of it thereof, then
that is your religion. Religion is simply anything one devotes his or her time
to; be it God, a god, sex, football and other interests.
What makes it fashionable and
acceptable to quote the works of Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud or John Watson and
even modern day Steve Jobs, Floyd Mayweather but can’t quote from the Apostle
Paul or John the Baptist if what one is pontificating is relevant in a

I personally believe that it’s a
fallacious life for anyone who thinks the Bible is just a collection of
stories, allegories, histories, eulogies, autobiographies and at most some a
textbook to be used at the Church on Sundays without an iota of belief. You are
either for the Bible or not, but the lackadaisical life of not holding fast
onto its tenets only makes anyone a joke, indecisive and a chorus singer.
There is something out there, so
don’t get it twisted!
The Writer tweets @vilejah