I have heard calls from all
angles admonishing the winning party, NDC to shut the f%^k up and sit somewhere
while issues emanating from the recent elections were trashed out but it doesn’t
make sense to me. Everybody should know by now that winning in any endeavor of
our lives does not just come out of the blues. It takes ample and thorough
preparations to emerge a winner, so for someone one to put in all this work,
only to be gagged and abused after winning makes me cringe and sad for us as a
people who claim we are one people.
It is alright when a Gen. Sec of
a political party comes to declare results, asking supporters and members to
wear white, white and start jubilation but it is wrong and almost becoming
criminal for the declared winners to jubilate.
Barely 24hrs after the
declaration of results by the EC Boss, Dr. Afari Gyan, announcing the President
elect, John Dramani Mahama, I saw people asking others to move on with their
lives because elections were over and others ushering in Christmas already because
they were tired of politics but I must say that, it is hypocrisy at the highest
level. Why did you choose to get yourself involved in the first place? Why did
you join a queue to vote if your life meant that much to you? So you could
participate by discussing and commenting on activities prior to the run up in
your homes, offices, vehicles and could queue up to vote and later flip through
T.V. and Radio channels just to be abreast with results but not ready for the
consequences of your participation? Well!
Then followed the Akan’s and some,
unidentified, who had the moral high grounds to lump all the Northerners, the
Gas, the Fantes and most especially the Ewes for voting on tribal lines and I
was to think that voting was based on issues. People are quick to tell you that
you are whipping tribal sentiments when they sat through and couldn’t tell
those who were always hurling stones from glass houses to desist.
Another group had the effrontery
to label the aforementioned as poor and how much they had lost the opportunity to
be educated free of charge. Apart from the political will of a leader to
initiate and implement policies, it is the tax-payers money that will be used
to finance the policies, so why do I feel like all NPP members would actually
contribute some of the earnings to make this a reality? Why do I feel like they
are all educated and only want to fete the eight regions where the President
elect, John Mahama won?

The logic has even lost on me
because I don’t understand why some group of people should be throwing tantrums,
vandalizing properties and almost holding the nation to ransom because they
offered something free that was rejected. If the reason for all these outbursts
and entrenched stance is as a result of the free offer, then I am sorry to say
that, all they meant to say is, they are fine as a people and are cool paying
the fees. But if there are other reasons beyond that, then issues must be
directed to the appropriate quarters for proper redress.
Among the policies and proposals
that were tabled before the people, they chose what they deemed a priority and
that doesn’t mean the rejected policy was not good in itself. First and foremost, the people want
recognition and respect from the people from the other divide. They don’t want
be seen as inferior and don’t want to be insulted at any least provocation. You
could insult and taunt people for their level of impoverishness, but to insult
them on the basis of where they hail from is an insult to God because we
usually don’t have any influence on where and who gives birth to us. You can’t
always proclaim God and hate on your Sister
or Brother because that is not
what God has taught us. Why then do we decry racism? Is it sheer hypocrisy
or a case of what is good for the gander being wrong for the goose?
Definitely, we all cannot be on
one side so it stands that we belong to different parties hence the need to
even lobby, campaign and rein in people to vote, and some are just sympathizers
just like you watch two neutral teams play, yet you throw your weight behind one
which does not necessarily mean that you are a Supporter. Even that our feelings
change and we change too. We have seen big whips cross carpet to other parties
but one thing remains and I am very, very sure that we can’t change where we
come from.
Once you are born an Akan, an
Ewe, a Ga, a Krobo or a Japanese, you will remain as such till you die even if
you assimilate in a culture that is worlds apart from your descent. I have
friends all over the world; some by virtue of attending same schools, some
church, programmes, meetings, being in a neighborhood and I don’t find out
where they hailed from before becoming friends with them.
Some even go beyond race and some
are international friends, so why should I be petty by limiting myself to
tribal territories when I am actually living in the Universe and not Ghana? You
will even admit that you have touted the global
village mantra before, so why look so inward when it matters?
I am no one thing because I am an
evolving and a progressive being. I am who you figure me out to be because as a
product, I have different messages for the different markets I find myself in,
and I like being objective. I like to say my mind and say it as it is because hypocrisy
is a canker and a menace to society and I also believe it is why the world is so
immersed in deceit.
We have at least recognized 46
languages as a nation and 9 are taught in Ghanaian Schools and different
minerals deposited in different regions of the nation which must integrate us,
rather than disintegrating us. There are so many inter-ethnic marriages and so
many people finding themselves in other regions other than theirs, due to
migration, work and what have you, so being narcissistic and ethnocentric is
not the way forward.
Ghana has chalked successes on
the international scene in Politics, Sports, Health and other distinguishing
facets of life as a Ghanaian team and not as ethnic groups. Ethnocentrism is a
disorder and every one must desist from it because it does not make you see any
good in others, and it limits your world view and outlook. See yourself as an individual
rather than being important by association because at the end of the day, you
are on your own and still unique.
If our politics were devoid of
corruption, amassing of wealth for even generations to come, there would not be
any need for all these unnecessary pursuits because everyone would have been
feted and living in peace and harmony, no one would have even cared because we
are certain that everything will play out well and this are the things we
should be fighting against as a people. Hurling insults and fighting among ourselves
would only encourage the Politicians to make his divide and rule theory come to
pass as though we are not victims already.

What I want is people not being
used by Politicians to extend their wicked plans of further dividing a hitherto
people who are divided by territorial lines, gender, ambitions, creed and
ideals. I want people to do Politics dispassionately not by virtue of where they
hail from or whom they know because Ghana is bigger than any one party and that
is the only way, we can leave a good Ghana in the hands of generations to come
unless you are preparing to denounce your nationality. I want people to ignore
politicians to their fate and make them realize that the sole aim of governance
is to reach out to the people and most of all I want every Ghanaian to be each
other’s brother keeper!