Your aspiration coupled with your ability to win the chairmanship of the CPP has defied all odds against women not being efficient and capable enough to handle such an enviable position and to steer the affairs of how our nation should be managed. It has also played down the notion that only experienced and known people can handle such positions because this idea of inexperience beats my small mind. I keep wondering how those experienced people acquired their experience if they were not mandated or given the chance anyway.
My reason for writing to you this letter is to table before you some thoughts I can’t really get my head around for your analysis and consideration even before you were reined into power. Firstly, there are calls on you to resign from your parliamentary role so you can squarely face the chairmanship of the CPP. I don’t really know what their reasons are but methinks, per the provision of the CPP constitution which states that you can combine your parliamentary position and the chairmanship of the party, should be adhered to and enforced to the latter because if it was impossible, I do not think it would have been provided for. You are a strong woman who is visionary, physically and mentally psyched up and I want to believe you know what you are doing, so just keep it up.
Secondly, our problem in Ghana and beyond the sub-region is not lack of resources but an issue of leadership. We need dynamic, vibrant and visionary leaders; leaders who are radical in thought, leaders who can set targets and achieve them and lastly, pragmatic leaders whose actions can help transform our dear nation.

What you have to do is to alienate the party from the shadows of other parties, mobilize resources and call on the true comrades of the party to come home. You also have to amass grassroots support and make the party attractive. There are so many young men and women who are fed up with the politicking style in Ghana and with the current crop of leaders and would not mind coming aboard to help you redeem the name of the party and champion the cause of your visionary father. CPP has to be a third force that can displace the NDC and the NPP and must cease to be a preying ground for the other parties.
I believe in you and also believes you can do it and must, because you are the daughter of Dr. kwame Nkrumah, the man who professed self-government now, the man who advocated for the unification of all African Countries, the man who was accused of building a ‘big’ dam for Ghana when its population was just about 6million, the man who built a motorway that has lasted till now even in the 20th century and built many factories that transformed our raw materials into finished goods right here in Ghana. All a leader requires is a vision of which his people can buy into so just tap into your father’s vision with regards to changing times and trends and CPP will rise from its doldrums to where it belongs.
It is even better you have chosen to fight for your father’s cause because evidently, the leaders who took over the party after he was chased from his own Ghana have killed his vision and playing ostriches .
Your confused brother Sekou Nkrumah has just tendered in his resignation from the ruling NDC party to join forces with you to build your father’s legacy which I think is in the right direction. Give him all the necessary support he needs, so that you can harness the gains of togetherness, after all he also believes in your father’s ideologies and vision except, he did not know where to start from.

Lastly, you would also have to hit the ground running because there is so much to be done. You have to make the CPP viable to take off that stigma of ‘old men and old women’ party it’s been stereotyped with. Also try to make it a formidable party that can be reckoned with in the 21st century by bringing on board selfless people to help you win a few more parliamentary slots and spread your base while projecting what Dr. kwame Nkrumah and his CPP stood for.
To this end, I’d also like to admonish you that the Ghanaian political terrain is tough so girdle your loins and brace your belt so you can take off on a good note as you try to bring meaning into Ghanaian politics. Do all you can to withhold the tenets of the party your father has toiled to build. May God Almighty bless you in your quest and to grant you grace and wisdom to help mother Ghana.
Long Live Dr. Kwame Nkrumah! Long Live Samia Yaaba Nkrumah! Long Live CPP!
Fo Fovi