
Friday 28 September 2012

21st Century!

How bad is it to say that, 21st Century is synonymous with Mortuary,
When almost every wall is hoisted with an Obituary?
Sad news befall us through February to where it started; January
Human pursuits are so insatiable and open-ended like an estuary
Disregard for Contemplative lives and the ones spent in the Sanctuary
And the systems; so predictable like the study of actuary

How bad is it to say that, the order of the day is Facebook and twitter?
As though it hasn’t made many a lives bitter
The generation getting smarter over sweeter
Where many will choose being a Shoplifter than a typesetter
And the Conspiracy theory rages on, making sure everything clutter
Hence the need to look before you leap because not all gold will glitter

How bad is it to say that, many will choose being on Flickr than being a seeker?
When they take delight in hailing the joker over the thinker
Choosing a trafficker any day over the civil worker
Lines visibly and legibly drawn as days gets darker
Breeding torrents of casualties as people gets weaker
And any meek in the struggle might just seek a Caretaker

Thursday 27 September 2012

The Cross!!

He woke up exactly at seven O’clock in the morning to a room lit with the rising of the morning sun from the East. Anything about the East intrigued him and he had few reasons why it has come to stay like that. The realization dawned on him several years ago when he found out that, the three men who had come to visit Jesus Christ upon his birth came from the East and nowhere particular. Both Far East and Near East with their sandwiched adjective, the Middle East is predominantly ancient and throughout history, they have been a major part of world news and home to many religions. They have wealth; they have some rich cultures and some of the richest and wise Kings ever.

He stepped out of bed, sauntered to the low framed windows. He pushed the drapes aside and was blinded by the high rise morning sun, that, he had to shut them quickly. He walked into the big living room and the TV was on from last night. The Politicians were on again, ably assisted and guarded by the Hostess; one beautiful damsel who doubles as the Operations Manageress of Live Tube, the number one leading Television Station of the nation. He walked on, behind the lined sofas to the kitchen which was across his room.

The last time he went to that part of the house was last week. He was not the type to indulge in food that much. He was more of a man on the run than the one who sits and eats. He was the epitome of junk food. He considered all of that as superficial; after all, man shall not live by bread alone but by the word. He often wondered the exact word the Bible was always talking about, since he had no particular word in mind.  He loved the word all the same and equipped with a couple of the bible verses, simply because it partially served his interest.

He was selective with the verses and he knew by rote those that served his interest. They formed part of his defense mechanisms and he knows just when to use them. All he had to do was to rationalize the situation and diffuse the severity until you even start feeling guilty for tenaciously believing in your stance or for being harsh on him.

He walked to the fridge at one end of the room, where the kitchen cabinet ended. There were some groceries in the coolant at the bottom of the refridgerator, left there by his girlfriend who lives an hour drive away from Amidede Town. He brought the container out and started picking up the items after the other. He hand-picked one big, ripe tomato, a bulb of green pepper, onion and placed them on the cabinet.

He needed to smoke so he went back to his bedroom, where he had left his pack of King Size fags. He picked up the container; hit the bottom of the pack with flair, making the cigarette pop up with some kind of mastery as if it’s on cue. He then reached out for his clothes he had left on the floor the night before, and brought out a lighter. He placed the butt on his lips, as he lighted the other end of the thin, aesthetic carcinogenic cigarette and walked out.

He puffed out a thin trail of smoke into the air, like nobody’s business, as he stylishly inhaled and exhaled through his pouted lips. It was time to prepare breakfast.

He placed the burning cigarette into an ash tray and then started to chop the vegetables into a couple of sizeable slices, and emptied them into a bowl. He reached out for three eggs from the shelf and cracked them for the contents. The yolk was yellowish, with a lot of whites; just how he likes it. He mixed the sliced vegetables with the whites and the yolk and then, whipped the mixture reasonably.

Using a small pan, he started frying the egg. When the egg turned brown, he spooned hot butter on top of it as it fried. The melted butter cooked through and became solid, yet tender and was ready to eat after a while. He has just prepared one of his favorite recipes his girlfriend has taught him, called, the Perfect Sunny-side-up Egg.

He was done with the first part of the cooking; now it was left with the oatmeal to match. The only time Oatmeal mattered was in the morning and that’s certainly the time he loves eating it. It was low in cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart diseases and these would be the two attributes that necessitated his like for the Oatmeal.

He prepared the food and over-turned all the hot meal into a bowl, since there was no need to scoop it. He added some sugar to the food and lots of honey as toppings on the oatmeal, and then he packed all the food and his ash tray of cigarette onto a bigger tray and headed towards the living room to watch these politicians make mockery of themselves.

He knows a lot of people respects and takes them serious, but to him, they were just another con version, stratified at the citadel of the four-one-nine Conglomerate and a persona non-Grata, because that was what he perceived himself to be, through their lenses, and why not? If he mattered, he won’t be fingered on the straw mat and left there all alone by himself to finish what they both have initiated. To him, it smacks of insensitivity and disregard for a fellow homo and he has since severed their relationship. He doesn’t know, if staying single or dating was the better among the two options but he was cork sure that he will always stay single as far as his relationship with the Politician was concerned.

He placed the food on the center-table and slumped into the sofa and began biting into the bread. He usually does not eat breakfast for one reason or the other. He either is in a hurry to nowhere or hasn’t woken up until after midday, from his numerous night outs which is like every day. Sometimes, there were no ingredients to cook with and he doesn’t care, but if he was going to cook, he tries to eat well.

He ate with relish because it was a long time since he ate anything like that and that would be the only meal he would have, except something miraculous happens. He doesn’t have too many friends and does not get under unnecessary pressure to please someone. It has taken him much effort to attain this independence, carved out of this chaotic world, where people assume mastership over you without your consent and make you believe them as if they believe themselves any more than you do.

He did not have much to do and sat there smoking his world as if his very life depended on it. He’s read and knows all about the side-effects of the excessive smoking habit but he couldn’t care less. Why should he care when he will die all the same even if he ended up as a monk. Life was a phase and a fluid one and he does not compromise on his penchants and beliefs. It was getting him nowhere but he was going nowhere and he lived a moment at a time.

#excerpts of 'The Cross'

Thursday 6 September 2012

Today's Church

The church was simply built to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to strengthen individuals and families by encouraging them to study the scriptures, obey the commandments, to receive the essential ordinances and to keep the related covenants. 

Gradually, and in line with the progressive stride and impact they have made, they needed to evangelize the word of God for others outside the church to receive their share of salvation and this gave rise to the building of more churches, parishes, schools and colleges which happens to be the thrust of my write-up.

Thus the church became synonymous with building and administering of schools while the government also concentrated on his governance but now it appears the church has shunned all responsibilities for the government of the day thus losing their integral role they used to play in educational matters.

The mission schools did well by inculcating discipline into the students which is a pre-requisite to learning anything meaningful and also groomed them to become better men and women of the society. It was even a pride to have attended a mission school. The mere mention of a mission school placed you above someone who attended state-run schools. It also came with freebies and more advantages. 

With time, the results from the mission schools became overwhelming that some parents in some areas even had to start attending church or in some instances, allowed their children to be baptized in the hope of doing the will of God.

The schools gained fame and became attractive to even the faithless which gave rise to the relaxation of the admission rules and then the schools became secular and that was one of the many straws that broke the camel’s back and that brought about a paradigm shift in how the church operated.

Since the church was hitherto churning out people who evangelized and carried on with the works of the church and contributed to its building, the new faithless breed started going away with all the benefits they derived from the church without contributing any quota. The influx of the faithless made the church to gradually start losing its ethos and doctrines.

And consequently, the church stopped paying or subsidizing the schools because it turned out that, most of the teachers and students belonged to other faiths and the rest, none.

Fast forwarded to this day, the church is now into branding, to determine which is superior and this has sent many a convent away to where they came from or to other churches, which they perceive are better. The older folks happen to still be in the churches out of loyalty and because they have nothing much to do as they await their time.

This involution has forever changed the church. The church now takes from the people it was supposed to be giving and this does not really speak of the churches readiness for the future. Some of the schools are still managed by the churches but what they do is to charge exorbitant fees from both the church members who also double as students and the secular students alike, when one should think that the church members who also double as students will be given preferential treatments or anything that will make them serve and grow the church afterwards. It is also noteworthy to state that the Churches’ colleges have increased in numbers probably because it has become a money making venture rather than their core essence of salvaging lost souls.

Sometimes, it beats me, to think that folks go to church to pay all the by-force tithes which was supposed to be between the individual and their God. Some churches even make you fill a form and force some members to pledge their quota at all cost to the extent that some even have past dues.

A visit to a modern church where they make alter calls would make you check your whereabouts again to ascertain if you are not at any fund-raising dinner or gala. Some of the churches can ask about hundred members to donate ten thousand Ghana cedis to the chagrin of the others who cannot afford and this has practically sent many out of the church because of employment, unethical issues and worse of all monetary factors. How then, does the church does expects the next generation of workforce to continue from where the predecessors left off?

Some of the Churches also pair singles and organize all sort of singles’ summit for the youth to mingle and asks them to stay off sex. Methinks, the church should rather caution the youth against that because I don’t see how you can light a match stick into petrol and expect it not to catch fire. Just Maybe, they have mechanisms that guide and guard against those excesses. 

My write-up seeks to ask the church what they are doing to mitigate some of these anomalies and canker they have allowed to eat into the heart of the church.

Secondly, why have they made money the over-riding factor around which the church revolves even though they need some money to take care of day-to-day administration just like the Levites?

Thirdly, why is the average Pastor who doesn’t toil from morning to evening like the church members are richer than almost all of them? How do they make all of that money as they ride in the very latest cars and visit all the exotic places at the expense of their members?

Fourthly, if these Reverends and Pastors are doing the work of God and so believes in him and also believe in the scripture that states that, none shall touch or harm them, why do they go around the place with armed bodyguards? Do they believe in violence to allow arm-wielding people who do not even believe in God and hardly are church members to guide them; against death? Thought they will be headed straight to heaven?

Lastly, why have they shifted from salvation preaching to amassing wealth as if the church was a firm and yet do not want to have anything to do with taxes? Are they cheating the state or they have since forgotten that Jesus Christ also stated that, they should give unto Caesar what’s his while they give what belongs to God?